
Perfect timing. My bathroom sink has been giving me fits lately, with draining slow to almost a complete stop.

Bank still exists, bank still owns the deed. They are just squatters in the bank's property.


VOTE: Pandora

If the customers ahead of you in your line all have either a) bulging coupon notebooks, b) flyers from every other store in a 30-mile radius, or c) both, step away and walk briskly to another line.

I'm still waiting for one, thanks if you can still give one out

@evolutionxbox Carbon-14 isn't the only isotope they use for dating. Uranium-lead radiometric dating can be used to determine the age of rocks all the way back to two and a half billion years (plus or minus two million), potassium-argon dating can go back even further

One crossed Nebraska in the summer of 1993 - another wet year in the upper Midwest with lots of flooding, by the way. Coincidence?

Check around farmer's markets. My guess is that down south it's grown more as a fall/winter crop instead of a spring crop like in the midwest. I just harvested my last ones yesterday.

You fluctuate between expansion and contraction until you explode!

I'll let the early adopters buy it and I'm going to wait until Steve Jobs 2 when they've worked all the bugs out of it (and 4G!)

You want the boric acid dust. They pick it up when they walk though it and ingest it while grooming.

Actually that would also be helpful for my relatives, who are still looking for the "Any" key on their keyboard.

To a botanist, not to a chef.

Has NOBODY posted the SNL skit with Sally Field and Phil Hartman as Jesus?

...after the Cylon Centurions and Raiders zipped away on the Rebel Basestar during the series finale...

She'd be a Škoda

non-Apple developed apps: