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    Yeah, none of those cars. I'm thinking Corvette C8, Alfa C4. Mildly used 991. 

    I mean if you like to fuck farm animals... well, check your local laws... I, however, do not desire to fuck farm animals or drive crossovers.

    The Model S is too fuckin' big as are most of the others. I'm not the chauffeur for the fuckin' Teletubbies. 

    Meh, I ain’t taking “compared to the competition” as an out for their cars looking like giant cancerous dolphins. Their proportions are fucking awful.

    Won’t happen. It isn’t shaped like a basketball shoe. We’re already dead. This is hell...

    Aside from the other gripes about Tesla, am I the only one that thinks it’s just an ugly turd of a car? The original roadster looked good, and the new roadster is pretty okay other than the whole thing looking stretched out A.F., but the rest of their cars look like malignant tumors that grew in wind tunnels.

    Open wheels. 👎

    Hey, you’re the turd that called me a Boomer. I think people can buy whatever guitars they want, and a lot of younger players do seek and and buy vintage guitars, however I’m pretty certain the number of THESE things...

    I’m the one with a 2016 Ibanez RG90, you’re the one with a 1959 Tele. You’re obviously the Boomer, fam. 😏

    GTE as the top class? 🤣 Get outta here with handicapping real race cars to be slower than modified golf bag haulers. 👎

    That was acknowledgement of your lameness. That’s what “the kids” put these days (well, like for a couple of decades now) to make fun of you. Write it down on your parchment or whatever you do.  

    Username checks out.

    Nah, I just though Geddy and Co. aged really well. 🤣

    Now playing

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off, uncle Davekaren! Rush rule. They always will. Crawl back into your Nugent hole.

    Im sorry Kid Rock, I couldn’t hear you over the Gojira I was listening to. 

    We get that you don’t know who, Aunt Karen. Settle down.

    🤨 Detroit was as influential on the techno scene as Germany was.

    I’d buy one and buck the demo if I had a job that paid halfway decent. Geezer's have all the money I guess.

    What happened to crack pipe?

    No, more akin to how Edison did things.