That's rather ergonomic, though. Elon hates ergonomics for some reason.
That's rather ergonomic, though. Elon hates ergonomics for some reason.
Am I the only one who thinks it’s painfully ironic Jalopnik is criticizing Edison, er, I mean Tesla’s janky ass interface? Have you tried this dumpster orgy of a website on mobile?
Look at those guys. We can never be as cool as them, no matter how we try to wear saggy dad jeans and cartoon muscle car shirts. That's the greatest generation there. The best America ever had.
The average human ear cannot decipher sound below 20 hertz. Also, the average human eye cannot decipher the difference between any two CUVs from beyond 20 meters away.
Watch the VW ID-R on Pikes Peak. It sounds like a friggin' jet fighter.
Parallel universe just happens to have the same automakers. The industry has some tricks up their sleeves.
Just another lazy, unimaginative superhero movie with no world-building.
Stupid, unrealistic game mechanic in trash video games, but oddly badass in real life.
Nitro? Like RC cars? 🤨
“Free MAGA hat with every Harley-Davidson purchase. C’mon down for the Stop The Steal Sale Event 2021!”
Enzo thought aerodynamics was for people who couldn’t build engines and that engines should be in front of the driver.
Colorado is the new Florida. You heard it here first.
Are Kyles considered a minority?
“Unless there’s a catastrophe with the Toyotas.”
It was either this or My Pillow.
This wins. Everyone go home.
That's the QAnon Shaman, hoss.
Jeep Lou Diamond, of course.
Every car looks like this now and I hate it so much. 😔 I’m the furthest from being a Luddite, but this 4-door, lift-gate, origami-shoe homogeneity is some hivemind shit I’d rather suicide my way out of than participate in. Ugh.