Is there still fan boost?
Is there still fan boost?
Man, this is one of those Internet exchanges where I read it an think, “I don’t think I like anyone on either side of things”.
Quite the contrary, it gives me the happy time warm fuzzies imagining him gasping up bloody chunks of his lungs into his respirator as his pathetic, judgemental, and hypocritical life plays out during his last hours.
Indeed. My only gripe with Woods is being a cheating asshole. You're rich and famous and want to fuck a bunch of different women, you can do that. You don't need to get married and lie to people. At least HAVE the option unlike my broke, ugly ass. 🤣
If it wasn’t still a pandemic, I’d have had a party celebrating Limbaugh’s death. I hope the cancer was excruciating. He was the asshole.
I would pay extra taxes for that to be a regulation going forward. 🤣 Pickup bros would be soooooooo butthurt.
Are we supposed to want to fuck the truck our mail gets delivered in?
I love the energy and ingenuity that goes into these things, but yeah, it’s kinda true that million-dollar super/hyper/mega/whatever-cars are increasingly tacky in an age of runaway wealth inequality.
“Marty, set the time machine for 2003! Let’s take this man home. -Doc Brown
Fun Fact: Edward Scissorhands was filmed in a neighborhood in the Tampa area.
I’ll take hideous race cars over hideous road cars any day. Race car aerodynamics is appreciable in the same way aircraft is appreciable, while modern road-going hypercars are designed to appeal to grown up weebs with YouTube channels.
Except recall that GT1s just evolved into prototypes by the end of things. Compare the TS020 to the original McLaren GTRs. It's inevitable if you want to win races.
You don’t get what you want because manufacturers like to win races, and racecars that look like racecars perform better aerodynmically than cartoonish road “hypercar” bullshit.
>“I’d prefer Destroyer”
And a 911 SUV didn't save Porsche.
No one’s arguing that. Those cars have different names, Mr. Observant.
*South Park voice: “Kevin James is a restrictior plate!”
No. Just no.
Why would would a manufacturer design an inferior aerodynmic platform to appease YouTube influencers and lose the fuck out of races?