
I imagine that there’d be an adjustment period that wouldn’t be too bad. What I wonder about is if it feels better to keep your dominant hand (assuming you’re right-handed) on the steering wheel. It seems like a slightly better situation to me.

Reluctant CP on this. I have one and I love it, but I feel like this is priced a bit high for what you’re getting (I paid nowhere near that for mine with, IIRC, about 140k on the clock).

Damn near inevitable if you’re anywhere in rust territory.

You have captured my emotional state perfectly.

The Bathurst 12-hour that happens in early February has been streaming on YouTube for at least the past couple years. Maybe that’s what you’re thinking of? Although I certainly hope you’re right, because I would like to watch this, but I don’t have that kind of spare change right now.

Can he host it as Obama?

“Why can’t we just trade?”

And, speaking from personal experience, sometimes it’s the balls that are problem in the first place...

There’s the strength in numbers aspect, but another reason that T gets lumped in with LGB is because so many of us are both. It’s not uncommon for straight trans people to identify as gay or lesbian on the way to figuring out their gender, and it seems that straight trans people are actually a minority in the trans

I’m all for removing strict gender norms as much as possible, but if that were somehow the case, you might see an increase in people medically transitioning.

Thanks for a great (and heartbreaking) article. Representation matters!

It really boils down to basic respect. It’s a combination of the fact that hearing ourselves referred to using old names/pronouns can be uncomfortable or painful and the fact that transphobic people use those old names and pronouns to invalidate us.

I’m more or less with you. Depends on humidity and how fast I’m going and all that, but I prefer windows down to AC.

Modern cars really just don’t encourage driving with the window down. The AC is usually plenty powerful and they’re aerodynamically designed for driving with windows up so airflow with the window down is often loud. Not to mention the absurdly high beltline of a lot of cars now.

Lactose intolerance is interesting. It’s not necessarily an on/off, but depends on the amount of lactase (enzyme) that your body produces. It seems to have come on fairly quickly for my wife, but again, there were a number of things going on at once with the thyroid and post-pregnancy stuff. What she’s learned is that

I *strongly* encourage you to follow up on the thyroid angle. Educate yourself and see if what you learn lines up with the results of your test (which you should be able to access online through your healthcare provider’s patient portal).

I dunno - it was parked on the street in front of my house. I guess just a bored or nitpicky parking enforcement officer.

Ours are pretty hard too, unless you put them over top of the old ones - I learned that the hard way.

I think our tabs might even be pre-scored. As others have mentioned, I should have not put it over top of previous tabs, but it just never occurred to me that somebody would do that. I guess I don’t have the criminal mind.

That is a lesson that I learned. I did have several years of tabs on top of each other, and IIRC it was three years that were all removed at once.