
When I saw the casting for “Suicide Squad” I was like “hey Polka Dot Man was in the Galatikon music video that Brendon Small did with Jill Janus and Steve Agee is in the movie too? Wild.” Now I’m realizing he’s “That Guy” and although it doesn’t make up for beefing up Duncan Idaho, I can get behind Villeneuve casting

Two years. Dude trained for two years and was a runner to start with. Not to be a pedant but he started training before there was even a finished script and everything I’ve seen and read about how much he put into it made my jaw drop and now I have a callus on the bottom of my chin from where it kept hitting the floor.

I just discovered “Jon Benjamin Has a Van” in online and now I have to go watch Hammett rip through “Jesus Pipe”.

My boxed sets of Dr. Katz and Home Movies will one day disintegrate from overuse.  

Now playing

“Home Movies” was the first thing I openly laughed at after my dad died and to this day it’s my go-to if I’m in a funk.

Also women of a certain vintage who watched Y&R. Girls I grew up with turned into women who named their daughters variations of “Christine” and tried to call them “Cricket”.

You just made me nostalgic for the Tomax and Xamot gimmick accounts.  Curse you!

Is it the grounds themselves or the extraction method? I’d be curious to know how coffee brewed another way with the same grounds tastes - ie, isolating how much of the disappointment is due to the extraction method and how much is due to the actual coffee.

wtf is starz lol

:: best ZMF all-caps voice :: SLAAAAYEEERRRRRRRRRR


Also I’ve since seen people online making note of the girl with the tech deck having what looks like a blood glucose monitor/insulin pump, and a shot of a girl in a hijab and getting likewise excited for this, even though those shots are just blink-and-you’ll-miss-it details. 

As a 1.5 gen Asian Canadian, I am very much looking forward to this, too - so many little specifics spoke to me, and I agree that they wouldn’t land for everyone, but this trailer got me stoked.

Ohtani can communicate in Japanese, Spanish and English. He uses an English translator because he wants to avoid misunderstandings that might lead to having to issue apologies to entire swaths of an audience.

I love that it eventually became a colloquial thing among paleontologists to call that tail formation a “thagomizer” - I remember reading about it in “The History of the Far Side” and having Larson’s deity status solidify in my head.

Kinja Ernie’s out of the office but if you leave a message I’m sure if you leave a message, he’ll get back to just as SOON as he can.

I now really hope one day to hear Corpsegrinder guest on a Bela Fleck track.

UPDATE: This Floyd cover is *nuts*.  I’m probably late to the game but my ankles can take another bandwagon jumpin’. ^_^

I have not but I’ll get right on both!  Thanks!

When you something eat it