
I’ve missed them the handful of times they’ve been through my neck of the woods without Steve but would go in a heartbeat because Nicky Sanders kicks all kinds of ass. Since that concert I’ve been more open to bluegrass but my ear just can’t deal with the vocals for too long. I’ll go down deeeeeep rabbit holes of

Saw Steve Martin with the Steep Canyon Rangers a few back and even managed to get front row just left of centre. As a violinist and Steve Martin fan (but casual folk music fan at best prior to the show), it was worth every penny.

I saw a live taping back in what the internet tells me was 2011 (Viggo Mortenson was the headliner, Death Cab for Cutie played “You Are A Tourist”) and for me it’s still the gold standard for a tight production, but it still managed to feel loose and easy.  I regret I only made it to one but I’m keeping the tshirt and

You had me at Richard E. Grant.

He seems to be doing okay for himself. His family settled with the families of the kids who originally posted the video and now he’s studying law at McGill last I read.

Worked for Taylor Swift, right?

Bruce is like 65 in that photo. He’s 71 now and I really hope I hold up half as well at that age. Also I just realized I’ve had a crush on him for over three decades.

Moe Berg wants nothing to do with those yahoos.

We had a Peke and can confirm they are full-on canine Karen.  Anything that wasn’t to her liking, she’d take it up with the manager (my mom).

We had a Peke and she was the best damn dog. Lived 15 years with no chronic illnesses and ruled the house every second she was with us. She was deemed not “good enough” for showing as a puppy but she scared the crap out of the too-nosy Great Dane up the street and kept him in his place every time they met.

I’m cautiously optimistic for this. I’m in the process of reading it right now, and I can only read the book a few pages at a time because it hits so close to home, but I really really hope they don’t blunt or lose the culturally-specific aspects that make it both unique and uniquely relatable for people like me.

Much like pornography, many people tout their ability to spot it without being able to define it.

My mom is super-pumped for this. She saw I, II and III in the theatre, unequivocally loves III and didn’t see IV because III runs on TV so often she didn’t think she had to. She’s also 80 and likes to joke she has a shot with Harrison Ford, because, as she says, “have you SEEN men my age? He’s still hot!”

I was flying for business on a transatlantic flight and one seat a few rows up was double-booked. It was a couple and they were pretty upset at the prospect of not travelling together, and then they and the flight attendants were monolinguals in different languages. I spoke both languages, so I translated and


I would enthusiastically watch Hiddleston watch paint dry, frankly.  Richard E. Grant chewing scenery in his Richard E. Grant-y way is gravy.

Check out Fichtner’s Random Roles, “Go” is of course at the top of the list:

I can finally break out the tshirt in my profile pic again.  Brendon’s known the endgame since S1E1 and I have high hopes for him to wind it up properly.

I live with dry lips on the Canadian prairies, and I’ve spent more than thirty years trying every lip balm under the sun - trying to find unflavoured/unscented balms because I don’t want everything to taste like Lip Smackers from elementary school and menthol will make your lips fall off in a windchill and a lot of

As someone who quotes “East-West Bowl Names” on the reg and has the “Brigadoon” songs burned into their brain after playing pit for one too many community productions, I want this mainlined into my body stat.