
I saw him live over a decade ago when the Freedom Band had just been formed.  I found out about the concert late in the game and there was literally one ticket left on the floor - dead centre in one of the best acoustic halls in North America.  Spent the whole concert with my mouth hanging open in awe at how easy they

TwoSet’s probably covered every viola joke on the planet but I have to say that there’s a paying gig I got only because I knew an available violist.  And reading alto clef is pretty much a superpower.

From a violinist, as a violist, you should be used to the insults.  ;-)  (And as a last-chair second violinist, I love violists.  They’ve always been down for pit hijinks - way more so than the first chairs or first violins who would, like, actually practice.)

Now I really need to see John Oliver playing the viola.  

Ten comments and several hours and no one’s made a Pitt-Bull(ock) crack yet? For shame.

I thought that was broadcasting legend Les Nessman!

I just saw Atom Egoyan describe Plummer as having brought “a certain erotic charge” to Captain von Trapp (much to the discomfort of the interviewer) and I swear I could hear entire generations of former theatre kids all roll their eyes and sigh.

Also ever since they started airing “The Sound of Music” clips this morning all I’ve heard in my head is “the hills are alive/with the sound of mucous...”

For certain people of a certain vintage, Christopher Plummer in “The Sound of Music” will always be the embodiment of the saying “I love a man in uniform”. Everything else is gravy.  

From the Variety article:
Wallen’s apology tour dates back at least as far as May 2020, when he was charged by Nashville police with public intoxication and disorderly conduct, having being arrested outside Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk & Rock ‘N’ Roll Steakhouse for an altercation he said he was “pretty fuzzy” about.

Now playing

Whenever I see “woah” in my head it sounds like “woo-hahh” in Busta’s voice.  This keeps me from pedantically correcting people and possibly getting physically hurt.

Starred for username/comment synergy.

TIL rainforests sound rainy.  Now I have to pee.

G7 would be G-B-D-F (in root position) but [note name][integer] is also a way of designating the octave of a specific pitch (eg, middle C is C4). However - G7 would be waaaay high on the keyboard per ISO/MIDI standards.

Aren’t Paul and Nick Aussies? Have to say - I put “Temple of Low Men” on yesterday and it still holds up.  Think today I might dig back a little further and put on some Split Enz...

Y’know, I thought I’d mentioned Midnight Oil, but I think I just read their name later in another post and assumed. They were relatively popular here despite the lack of context for some of their more political songs in the pre-internet days.

I consider myself fortunate to have seen INXS back on the X tour - Hutchence was born to be a rock star and the band was unbelievably tight.

I’m getting RSI in my wrist from liking all these comments.

If you enjoy dill or tangy flavours or soup or life in general, then yes, it’s really good. Even mediocre dill pickle soup is good. The ones I’ve had have been primarily potatoes and onions, maybe a little carrot, in dill pickle-brine-enhanced stock sometimes enriched with a little sour cream, topped with chopped dill

A little local flavour on the meme: