
That trailer just makes me crave Old Dutch ketchup chips.

The Thomas Kinkade filter on all those photos hurt my eyes after the first dozen or so.

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I still think they’re underrated as progenitors of Coldplay, Muse, Keane, Snow Patrol, et al. And I still can’t quite process their last studio album was 2010.

Back when live installations were a thing, a friend did a massive cymatics installation at the local city hall for New Year’s Eve:

I’ve missed these reviews and the comments, but I get that after eleven seasons of pretty consistently solid writing about a show that keeps the characters the same age and has pretty well-established character traits, it can be hard to come up with fresh takes. Thanks for this write-up for a milestone episode.

Does “Nature Trail to Hell - IN 3D” count?

I’m not even cautiously optimistic about this but I will at least check it out because of Snert.

I’m pretty sure it was. Which would make it the antecedent of the current “Reasonable Discussions” “feature”.

Andy Fletcher’s house seems to be decorated exactly the way I’d picture a member of Depeche Mode’s house to be decorated at this stage of their lives.

nethack. The ASCII version. Just me as a little @ symbol, trying not to starve to death and avoid inadvertently running into arch-liches too early in the game. Choose some nice ambient BGM (or early 80s synthpop) and have snacks at hand and zone out for hours.

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Her “speaking in tongues” sounded weirdly familiar to me...

A great deal explained here:

Prepare to feel oooooooold:

I’ve just spent an inordinate amount of time rereading “The Hater” on the Internet Archive.  

HELLO FELLOW OLD PERSON.  I was just reminiscing about the days when everything was flush left and your own comments had orange boxes around them...  

I have made literally hundreds of pans of Rice Krispie squares in over a hundred variations over the years (booze-flavoured squares, Rice Krispie Square “sushi”, jello- and pudding-flavoured squares, layered bars with Rice Krispie Square bases, every candy in the aisle added to Rice Krispie Squares, even once or twice 

Man, I was interviewed by the local paper at a record store as one of the first people to pick up that U2 CD. (Just realized typing that sentence there are at least five things that seem old-fashioned and quaint now, not even sarcastically counting “U2").

I hope one day to be able to see a star-studded CBC seasonal special called “Baroness von Schitt’s Convenience”.

The term I’ve seen tossed about the interwebs is “Generation Alpha”, with a start date of Jan 01 2010.