
Was coming into the comments to say just that. The sync is :: chef’s kiss :: better than it has any right to be and better than 99.9999% of the rest of YouTube.  

I know it’s the UK Sun, but just... why?

The pics of her before and after are really...  something.

It never actually occurred to me to intentionally hit someone with the book while I was carrying it around. If I was staring at someone, I was probably making up some weird backstory for them in my head because this is a thing I notice that I do now after reading the book.

Your enjoyment of the first book is, I think, a strong indicator of how you’ll feel about this one.  

I second this emotion but with the caveat that the book is physically unnaturally heavy. (Seriously, it’s like three pounds.)  

Well now I have to visit the Green Onion Cake Man.

The Hawkins company itself is amazing. They do literally zero advertising because they don’t want to get any bigger and make anyone work any more hours. To this day I have a four-inch long Hawkins cheezie I once found in a bag that I’ve kept for several years just because once in a while it really impresses someone.

No lie, my brother still keeps his D&D dice in a Crown Royal bag.

I would dearly love to see the presentation for “Beast Leading Actor”.

Except for Carol Burnett’s “Rebecky”.

Just to put you out of your misery - that would be Luke Combs’ “Beer Never Broke My Heart”.

If it was ‘85 (pre-’93, according to Wikipedia), it would’ve been Steve Jordan.

18:30: I remember seeing “Panama” when it aired and it blew my mind. Take out DLR, replace him with some Hammond and it changes the tune completely.   And EVH just making everything look absolutely effortless and the whole band just having a blast.

When the spice hits your eye

Pence can’t be alone in the same room as another woman because religion. He calls his wife “Mother” because religion. If Pence takes office for any length of time, it’ll be proclaimed as “God-ordained” and the base will lap it up, with Trump’s incapacitation as “evidence” of “deep state” machinations. Not an ideal

Or his hair.

Goddammit I have this issue in my box of Ancient Comics Too Well-Loved to Be Worth Anything on the Vintage Market and now I’m gonna have to dig it out again.

This... looks good? As someone who spent years in the local scene in various capacities and has known more than a few people who left it with varying degrees of hearing loss, I’m intrigued.  Also the inclusive casting is a plus.

And now I’m crying.