
I too saw it in Canada and although the crowd was seated (unless specifically exhorted to stand by the performers), everyone had ear-to-ear grins on their faces the entire time and probably left a little smarter.

I am definitely now less cautious in my optimism. I was “meh” on Chalamet, Zendaya and Momoa, but in context in this trailer... And I was surprised at how well Oscar Isaac fits my mental image of Leto. And that sandworm is gonna rock on a big screen.

According to QAnon, Hanks is part of the Hollywood/Democrat pedo ring and thus his infection was part of the overall hoax that is coronavirus.

I wish I could give you more stars. I worked for a major label during the era he writes about and it’s painfully spot-on and really well-written to boot (Slichter’s the Harvard-educated son of a physicist and it shows in his writing).

Grace Jones is 70 and I would still be all in if she could be Storm.

Ooh, I’ll have to check those out. Hopefully they won’t remind me that a) I am old and b) we’re not gonna have large-scale live music back anytime soon.... Not that I don’t share your “meh” about large festivals (I’ve been to one multi-stage all-day sort of event and that was more than enough for me) but some of the

I actually saw the Killers on their first tour in a relatively small venue - so early in their career that they played all of “Hot Fuss” as their first set and repeated most of it for their second and literally no one in the crowd cared and just kept singing along because “Somebody Told Me” and “Mr. Brightside” still

I look at the bands in this category and can only assume it’s a bone they throw to the Olds.

It’s a gorgeous Valentino dress on its own, but that shade of green with the matchy-matchy hot pink belt and stilettos (not to mention the visible tan-line-esque bra silhouette) is so “I love the 80s” that the image edits are an improvement.

I learned how to slice off a guy’s face with a katana.  

I have a stupid happy grin on my face right now that’s been there since fifteen seconds into this interview. I have had a crush on Keanu since forever and seeing those three just be happy excellent dudes has made my day.

I just want to say that I really love the fact that there is a discussion about books approaching 200 comments within 24 hours of this being posted.  

I read it to impress a boy back in high school. It did not work. But to my small town part-time goth high school mind it was oh so deep.

A friend thought for literally years that INXS’ “Suicide Blonde” was “Soup Inside the Bone”. Same friend also heard the line “pleasures remain” in Depeche Mode’s “Enjoy the Silence” as “soldiers burping”. She credits her upbringing in Krakow.

Your mention of theStart makes me feel ancient - I saw them live at a long-closed venue opening for Garbage. I remember them as being fun, but that’s about it because then Shirley and Butch and Co. came out and blew our collective minds.

I clicked on it fully expecting my eyes to roll so far back into my head I could see my corpus callosum...  and wound up not hating it.  

Ken Watanabe also has to be in this because he’s beenin everything as Random Asian Man. Grizzled old reluctant mentor living a near-hermetic life after “retiring”, aaaalmost gives the collected crew that key piece of info that they need to plan the job before literally or metaphorically slamming the door in their

Will they deflect bullets with Simu Liu’s abs?

As a patron, you’re in and out of the convenience store in five minutes versus being in a movie theatre for >1.5 hours. You’re gonna get a lot more exposure being in a theatre with an asymptomatic carrier than standing behind one in line at the checkout. (The accumulated exposure staff are potentially subjected to is