
and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

She originally tried to get Jimmy Ray, but every time she attempted to confirm his identity, he’d just go “Who wants to know!?”. 

Yeah I really wanted Bob to get a win just this ONE time, because pretty much every previous Thanksgiving episode has put him through the wringer. I felt truly bummed when it looked like the turkey was ruined, and I was delighted when the family got to enjoy it anyway. Once in a blue moon, the gods smile even on Bob

Seriously, Linda on the bed distractedly surrounded by old crafts and memories is the Realest Mom moment I’ve seen on TV in a while.

This actually sounds genuinely interesting,  but that first image at the top of the article looks like my old pedal board that went to my old pre-amp

The way Jon Benjamin delivered “Riverbrook Lake Farms heritage turkey” was funny everytime

One of the best Thanksgiving-themed episodes of Bob’s Burgers I’ve seen, which is something given their reliability. Too many highlights to mention, but my favorite image is for all of the chaos Bob reigned down on his family, seeing an unphased Linda on the couch casually drinking a glass of wine throughout it all. 

It wasn’t until I saw it written out that I fully appreciated the name Riverbrook Lake Farms.

- Mr. Huggins!

The ending got me. I was about to be pretty upset that Bob’s turkey was ruined and how he never gets a win but then he discovers the deliciousness just below the burnt skin. Bob deserved that win

Yeah, that’s the kind of thing that you have to make sure you don’t keep around the house often.  They disappear before you realize it.

My favorite thing about snack mixes is the rye crisps. That’s why I switched long ago from Chex mix to Gardettos. But it’s beaten out by mustard pretzels. Whether honey mustard chunks or whole tiny pretzels with mustard dust, that’s the best by far.

Slow your roll, son. I was talking about the quote. Using “Eastern spirituality” as a blanket term is gross and ignorant.

Christmas Tree Shops spark goys.

In their defense, it seems to have been a deliberate play on words. In not their defense, that’s a bad idea and also you spent half a million ameros on it? For a state with less than a million people in it, mind.

yeah I must be on the “not so sensitive to bitter” side, ‘cos I don’t recall ever having issues with vegetables. At least not when my mom cooked them, because they were still green when served. My grandmother- bless her heart and spirit- could crank out pierogi by the dozens, but it took all of the cheese sauce in the

I still really need one of these. Breville BOV900 Convection and Air Fry Smart Oven. We use our little convection oven all the time for small meals instead of firing up the full sized stove. This one has an air fry specific setting.

I can’t buy the new one though until the current one breaks. It’s a Black and Decker

Could be artificially created to get hype.

Booksmart is, literally, so great.