I wish these didn’t go up so late so I could remember one-liners to quote, but how could you not give Linda props for “PANTS NOT CAN’TS”?
I wish these didn’t go up so late so I could remember one-liners to quote, but how could you not give Linda props for “PANTS NOT CAN’TS”?
Alas, no - a plebian such as myself can only dream of one day reaching the soaring eloquence of the erudite horsefellow back in the Disqus days of yore...
Someone’sspacebar isb roken.In that firstr eview.
Ah, sorry about my tone there, fellow Canuck. I emphasized July because that’s when the renewal from IFC was announced, and I misread the article and thought they were stating it like it was “new” news - so the emphasis wasn’t directed at you at all. Also I don’t know from what I found in a cursory search about how…
Look at Deadspin’s front page. You can’t even tell the Nats won the World Series last night. Way to stick to sports.
I was very confused until I found this article from *July*:
Dear “JS” (if that’s even your real name):
I look forward to a fresh crop of Chris Evans gifs starting Nov 28.
“I am black”
One thing that really struck me about this ep was how much the finger-pricking was in character for Tina and Louise. Louise can’t admit she’s squicked, Tina just goes and does the deed.
OMG I just discovered German-dubbed Bob’s Burgers clips there are on YouTube. Somehow even “Family Fracas” is awesome in German. Mein Tag ist gerettet.
The manifestation of Louise’s extra arms was... ::kisses fingers:: magnifique. Reminded me of watching Thai dancers.
There’s also this from Loren Bouchard’s twitter:
I’m still surprised by how little people know about mycorrhizae and how cool they are. I kinda hoped books and blogs like “The Secret Life of Trees” might give them a shade more cachet but I guess framing it as LOOMING TERROR is more effective than “hey guys this is kinda cool and going on around you all the time and…
Yeah, it’s a slime mold - Physarum polycephalum. It’s only new to the general non-protist-nerd public, I guess, but kudos to the Paris Zoological Park for the spin.
I literally just noticed that “A24" doesn’t appear anywhere in the article. Your confusion makes total sense now.
As a bit of an old Canadian metalhead, I was like HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY LET THAT OPPORTUNITY JUST SINK BY YOU LIKE SLOW-MO WHALE FALL but the author of the article identifies on twitter as more a horror-beat person than METAAAAAAAAL (not that there isn’t overlap but again I’m old and I guess technically they broke up…
FYI they’re playing the Adult Swim Festival next month (with Nili Brosh and Pete Griffin in lieu of Keneally and Beller, who are off on tour). The fact that Brendon is having anything Dethklok-related to do with [as] probably says something about future plans but I couldn’t speculate as to what.