
He could’ve been a PhD (Fulbright scholarship to MIT, no less) but then met Grace Jones and moved to New York to make money modelling.  What a maroon.

Can’t speak to the series but I only know of one person who saw the movie and didn’t love it, and they’re dead to me now.  YMMV.

I’m still only 2/3 of the way through it but thank you for posting this review. If it weren’t the sequel to “Handmaid’s Tale”, with all the baggage that brings to it, so far I’d be giving it a solid B+. It builds slowly, but I’m at the point where the threads are starting to come together and the tension is palpable.  

They’re all winners in my heart.

When a local daily accidentally swaps captions between single-frame comics:

Came here to say the same - why no “Testaments” review?

“Lamb” was like nothing else I’d read when it first came out but I don’t know how it’d hold up in these days of “Good Omens”. “Noir”, “Fool”, “Serpent of Venice” and “Sacre Bleu” were all lots of smart fun, and I’ll throw my hat in for “Secondhand Souls” if you don’t feel like the “smart” part.

It’s like they just figured out that with the advent of digital technology, they can tweak the graphics in smaller runs of Monopoly sets super easily.  Like when you get a sandwich press and eat nothing but variations of pressed sandwiches for a few weeks.  

One typo remains: gate/gait

It’s a belay device used in climbing. Basically it’s supposed to help the person on the ground who’s managing your rope not let you freefall.  You run your rope through it, and with proper technique, if the climber loses their hold, the belay device kicks in and clamps the rope.  Emphasis on “with proper technique”.

Eh, that’s not a failure on your part, your kids just have crappy taste.  ;-)  (Or they’ll discover it in their own time, or they’ll find their own thing to wax nostalgic about in 25-40 years.)

I made those noises once in the past twenty or so years that I can recall, after a friend’s psycho (thankfully now ex-) girlfriend “accidentally” pulled back too hard on a Petzl while I was coming down from a wall climb and dropped me on my ass from more than a few feet up.  Landed so hard on my butt with my legs out


Actually, I’ve been looking for a YA-type adventure book for my ESL mom who loves “Abel’s Island” and Rushdie’s “Haroun and the Sea of Stories”, she may enjoy “The Black Cauldron” now that I think about it...  

That reminds me - I need to revisit Taran and Gurgi soon...  Thanks!

SQUEEEEEEEE thanks!  My cursory google search failed to pull this up.

Until reading your post, in my head I pictured a tater tot gaining sentience and roasting Brussels sprouts.

The only thing I can remember about Renner’s song from the commercial is the grating “AAAAH-AHAHAHAH” (I think it’s Eb-Db-Eb-Db-Bb if memory serves correctly) right at the beginning.  That’s about how far I get into the commercial before managing to change the channel.