
I don't find that grin ghastly or Joker-like, myself.

WHAT John Larroquette is back on TV? Why did I not know this?

Don't rush, rush to judgement.

I am currently playing Enchanted Arms for some reason, which apparently has ten times the level/stats caps as other games as my party's at level 250 with primary stats in the 30K points range (secondary stats maxed at the expected 9999). And by "playing" I mean "end stage grinding just to see how far I can jack the

Anyone else weirded out by the font change?

Voter turnout is estimated at 51-52%.


Coulter was on CTV's Question Period here in Canada on Sunday. She said the only job she'd take in a Trump administration was head of the FCC.

I seem to have misplaced something. Maybe two things.

Also - almost 2/3 of the worldwide revenue for the second came from China.

Now You See Me: $371 million worldwide
Now You See Me 2: $328 million

Yup. Cleared cookies, restarted, changed browsers, still no go.

Is there a 75% overlap with soccer moms? Because they looooooooooooove Taylor Swift.

I logged into stupid disqus with this stupid disqus account just to say I think that might be a bit of a reach and this woman might have some excess time on her hands.

Good grief. You'd think we'd at least have gotten a warning of some sort.

"Agony"? "Children Will Listen"? I haven't seen it in literally 15-20 years and the choruses from those still roll around in my head. (Granted, the last time I saw it was the original cast production on PBS with Bernadette Peters, and a few years before that I'd seen Bernadette live…)

And you didn't have a crush on either Tom or Shane? Shocking…

It occurred to me while reading this article that I've had a crush on Bruce for something like 30 years.