
I was trading quotes from this movie with someone literally just a week ago. So happy to see it getting some love.

Me three.

Do you want my family to adopt you? We quote SCTV at each other with alarming regularity.

I keep seeing "Andrea Martin" for some reason and now I'm imagining an adaptation starring Perini Scleroso and Sid Dithers.

Where's Tarkovsky's Former AD when you need him?

Canada's entries: Bacon Poutine, Tzaziki, Jalapeno Mac 'n' Cheese and Cinnamon Bun. According to the cross-section of people in my office who sampled from the bags I offered, Jalapeno Mac 'n' Cheese is the winner - which makes sense, since it's two existing known winning chip flavourings combined. Out of fifteen or

I granted a pithy upvote.

If you're just drinking to get drunk - Smirnoff Blue Label, ice cold, straight up. 50% ABV of existential angst-deadening goodness.

Agreed on the Breyers. I find the Nestle's chocolate mint to be a pretty good balance, but I can't even keep Haagen-Dazs chocolate mint in the house because it's so dang good.

My brother and I pull out Tex and Edna Boyle lines all the time. Specifcially, "That's WRONG, EDNA!!!"

I like "omphaloskeptic".

…or is fashionable material always in the shape of Bowie's skin?

You could probably say that about any one of their albums, at least the ones I'm familiar with. Hunting High and Low, Scoundrel Days, Stay On These Roads, East of the Sun, Memorial Beach, Minor Earth Major Sky and Foot of the Mountain I always found to have an interesting through-line after a few listens.

Is this infected?

My mom's in her 70s, and I quit worrying excessively about her exerting herself after calling her one night and hearing her complain about how the nice boy at Canadian Tire loaded a few 25-lb bags of topsoil into the trunk of her car, but then she had to unload them herself and bring them over to the garden and spread