cyber suckurity

Yes what ABOUT the menz

"So please, maybe think about what kind of guys are in the class too."

Their lack of social interaction with the opposite gender isn't on her. Not to mention it should not be placed on her to to essentially teach them what we've known since childhood. Unwanted touching of anyone is never okay unless they explicitly

Is putting your kids in a position where they learn it's okay to hold someone emotionally hostage to a marriage and abuse them better?

I was at that show, too! So good. My buddy made me hold his weed and I realized too late that they were searching purses. The woman shined her flashlight directly at my bag of weed,looked me in the eye and said, "Have fun tonight."

I'm going to need a link to this tape because that seems too kookoobananas to actually exist. I mean....what...

Your teacher sounds like a dick...

Thanks, I just realized that in my previous life as an associate in a big law firm, I would have chosen a billable meeting over sex any day of the week.

Sittin back for the inevitable skinny shaming vs fat shaming wars


Nope. You're wrong. There's never a situation in which someone driving up the ass of another driver going the speed limit is warranted. I've DONE it and I still don't think it's warranted.

as if they know where the clit is

Yea! How dare he be concerned about his own health!

"This is not a difficult concept."

Dude, I know. It's literally unbelievable.

WTF, Azealia?! aconleigh, I REALLY did not know, and you have my apology.

we have different definitions of stupid shit. someone say stupid shit would be telling me kingdom come is a better jay-z album than reasonable doubt, 90% of the nonsense she's tweeted for the last year is reprehensible and willfully ignorant garbage.

Or you could just Google it.

nah, not really

You have to be a low-life piece of shit to lose high ground to Curt Schilling.

If your twitter activity unfolds in such a manner that I find myself backing Curt Shilling on absolutely anything, then you're fucking doing it wrong.