cyber suckurity

It's not really a pissing contest, though.

Think about it for a second: I'm going to operate under the assumption that you're a het-cis-male (I am as well). We're judged—primarily (and after high school)—on our accomplishments. Our degrees, our jobs, our income, our accolades.

There are certainly "beauty" products

"I'm not a member of GamerGate, but I do support them."

There's a distinction I think many young men who lack the muscular body type depicted in most games fail to understand: Men are generally the folks who appreciate huge, muscle-bound dudes. We aspire to be mountains of muscle because we're told that's how masculinity is expressed.

Most of the women I've talked to in my

I'm sorry you didn't get this explained to you at a more appropriate age, but the fact is that every abandoned baby has a biological father as well as a biological mother. (If you need help understanding how that works, try googling "human reproduction".)


I do not like reading stories dealing with the central theme of a strong powerful man realizing the movement he has devoted himself to is actually built upon toxic foundations rooted in a deep hatred of another group and those who are different...

I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.

I crucified a friend's Beanie Baby cat in high school, using push pins. He was an excitable boy so he responded with a rather well-executed kung fu kick to my chest that knocked me flat on my ass. I couldn't help but laugh (wheezingly, mind you).

Consider how you are dressed.

Take it from an Aspy: Having Asperger's does not lead to a lack of empathy. Especially if he'd been targeted/harassed for his condition when he was a kid, he knew damn well what he was doing. His actions cannot be attributed to his condition. He saw his "target" as less than human, and that, my friends, is not

"You keep insulting me, you ignorant person with no self confidence!! omg!"

Oh my God, you are a GEM. I mean that sincerely.

Girls mature physically earlier, but that alone is not enough to make them mentally mature.

Girls are stereotyped as maturing earlier because of our society, not because of what's between their legs. Creators control the society their characters grow up in.

I don't have to know you. You openly made a sexist statement.

Being called sexist isn't offensive. BEING sexist is offensive.

I'm responding to you based on how you've replied. You're being defensive and you're avoiding the point. I've never said that there "needs" to be a choice. I only said that if someone claims gender is artistic vision, they're sexist and a poor writer. You continue to repeat your inarticulate, defensive replies without

You meet a woman that mentions that you're "a little bit sexist" and your reaction is that you are extremely offended? I called you sexist for a reason. Why is your reaction kneejerk defensiveness? I'm offended by the idea that gender is so important to fiction that we must continue to be silent about an imbalanced

No, what's ridiculous is making this argument as if video games weren't interactive and largely customizable media. Customization and path-choosing is a big part of many games. You can't mute only the BG music in movies; you can in games.

So are you going to name the site?