
I was terribly disappointed that AV Club isn't covering this strange event - the ENTIRE season airing over three nights! Tonight's episodes were spectacular!
I hope someone will take pity on us and do a wrap-up review after they all air?

She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.
he is ex-military, and wants his "troops" to follow his rules without question.

I think he just rubbed the cup (although it is possible he enjoyed it to completion) then the cup was filled with water. Otherwise, no reason for Sy to make that statement about Varga "fornicating with the cookware."
if Varga urinated, that is the word Sy would have used.
I think for many men, the idea of their lips

RIP for Ailes means Rot In Purgatory

Oh dear God, there is rumor that Kimberly Guilfoyle (the busty brunette woman who sits at the end of the table on The Five, on Fox News) is under consideration as a replacement for Spicer. Do you think they would go as hard doing an impersonation of a woman, even if she made as many foolish mistakes as Sean has?

I laughed at every skit.

I appreciated that they included her wardrobe coming from "Basic Atrocities."
I don't generally like jokes that make fun of a woman's appearance, but dear God, she just looked hideous as a representative of the United States and the White House. I swear, I thought the white sweater that tied across her chest looked

I also liked The Catch,/i>. HTGAWM got renewed.

Speechless did get a renewal today, 5/12/17.

The first time I saw the commercial for Imaginary Mary I said, "That won't last." :-)

Ah, thank you.

Many of us have speculated that possibility.

I suspect it was just Chuck's asshattery. He is an arrogant prick, who is mean-spirited and small-minded. That's damned hard to live with.

I don't know how often the periodical "Financial Times" comes out, but it may be a weekly or even monthly publication, in which case the date could be several weeks old.

Chuck's conviction that he would win and get Jimmy disbarred, leaving the building?

He is so arrogant, he thought nobody could "get" him.

Gosh, I don't know. Oh wait, he is mentioned in the review!
::insert PSA for the sadness of illiteracy::

Have you seen Justified? Or Vikings? Into the Badlands?

She has no resources though. They didn't set her up with a bunch of money, she doesn't speak the language, has no friends or contacts, probably not even a passport. Trying to "escape" would likely be the death of her. Maybe she is trying to figure a way out, but doesn't have everything together yet. Sending yourself

Did you see her in Feud? She was fabulous! She is on Twitter and super nice.