
Always a delight to see Bill Hader. I got several good chuckles out of it, which is not bad. Thanks for the review, @DennisPerkins5:disqus

No word yet on season 4. I personally enjoyed season 1 the most, but YMMV.

When they brought Nikki in for questioning, they wanted to charge her with killing Ray and they showed her the crime scene photos. She spotted a piece of the frame from the 2 cent stamp that had broken off and was under a piece of furniture, so she knew Emmitt had been there.

I wish AV Club would have chosen to do a weekly review of Einstein as it was very well-done. If the Picasso chapter is as good, I hope it will merit some coverage.

Are you referring to the black lady from the support group? She told him how she never got closure after her husband vanished while hiking in the mountains. That led to Mike wanting to find the body of the "Good Samaritan" (using Nacho's directions and a metal detector) who got murdered by Hector for trying to help

If RIP = Roast in Purgatory

`The people working on this show are at the top of their game - genius, truly genius.

He messed with Hector's delivery trucks, which lead to Gus getting all the transport, which lead to Hector's stroke, so I think that's something.

Since Chuck was single and has no heirs, what if his estate goes to probate, and Jimmy gets the HHM money?

There may be a concern of Jimmy giving legal advice while not licenced though, which could maybe get him removed from the case entirely, and he would lose all of the money he is hoping to get.

Actual nitro pills are placed under the tongue where they get into the bloodstream within seconds. The capsule form shown in the TV show is an artistic liberty so Nacho could switch out the ingredients. It is possible Hector did take a doctored pill, but was convinced he was taking the medicine that normally relieves

I don't think Nacho is 100% confident that the pills will do the trick, but he may well have a backup plan.

Pull the Info Wars IV out dude, you've ODed.

I agree. I like Allison (and yes, she is incredible in Fargo, you should watch it) but the dog voice is just awful. He sounds an inch away from being suicidal. I'm not saying the dog's voice has to be stereotypical "super-happy-dog" but gah! This dog sounds horribly depressed. It doesn't make for good comedy.

His responses to being informed of Ray's demise couldn't have been more awkward, though.

I think Varga wants to pin Ray's murder on Nikki, which is a lot easier to stage if she is dead. His plans to manipulate and use Emmit for his own nefarious purposes are of no use if Emmit winds up in jail.
I admit some of the timelines are a bit hinky, but Varga does seem to have a lot of informants, henchmen, and

I agree! Genius has been a delight to watch. Really well-done, beautiful settings, great acting.

The fade between Gloria and Nikki in her jail cell was also stunning. I agree that the bus was truly spectacular! The headlights on the snowy road made you know something bad was just around the next curve.

I strongly suspect Gloria found a way to sneak in.

Individual reviews for each episode would be wonderful, but a season wrap article would be better than nothing. I really enjoyed the marathon last night and look forward to seeing the three tonight and three Sunday.