
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

I am trying to remember why Mike was driving the station wagon, while his other car was at his house. Can someone with a better memory remind me how that came about? Thank you.

I doubt if that guy wanted to risk being seen near Mike's car. It would be more time-consuming to stand there and fiddle with the thing, take it apart, remove the old battery and insert a new one.

Well, that is his assumed identity,after he and Walt had the fixer send them off to new lives.

That was pretty spectacular I love everything about this show, even the little details. The sound editing, the cinematography…really every aspect is so precise and well thought out.
Watching Mike dismantle his car was a work of art, and the light bulb moment when he realized where the tracker was likely to be, was

::Does best Mae West impression:: Hello, boys!

The couch gag was pretty funny, but the Sofa King skit from 2007 was hilarious beyond words.

I read that they hope for multiple seasons, which will allow us to watch the granddaughter grown up.
I was not overwhelmed by it, but since there is not much competition on a Saturday night, I'll watch a few more.

Hanzee was indeed a fabulous character, and very scary.
Javier Bardem's brother, Carlos, has a starring role in The Son.

Ah, thanks.

So are Cam and Mitchell going to adopt Pam's baby? I don't think I caught if it was a boy or a girl - did they reveal?

Fill MORE graves. I didn't get it until I saw it in print, either.

Sadly, none of the adults in his life (his mother nor Nolan) are VIP any longer. He may not get any special treatment. I suspect he will perish.

I got the feeling it is sold as almost like The Rapture - that true believers will be whisked away to some magical place. Didn't that little box Maddie picked up during her Greatest Day ceremony, give her some sort of hallucination, like a glimpse of the Host Heaven? A trick, no doubt, but it sold her on the whole

Yes. A redneck went into a bar in Kansas and shot two men from India, thinking they were Muslim (so in his mind, terrorists).

I figured something bad was going to happen when the VP was in the cemetery, (does anything good ever happen in scenes filmed in cemeteries?) but I sure wasn't expecting a homicide/suicide! I'm glad this show is back, it has really grown on me.
I still see Kiefer as Jack Bauer though.

I'm old, so I am skeptical of everything, but I don't necessarily trust Gabriel saying the US is messing with the Soviet food supply, while they are showing us Oleg being assigned to look into corruption of food dealings in the USSR. Who's to say there isn't someone on the Soviet end that is manipulating the food

Hi boys! ::offers platter of chocolate chip cookies:: Grandma loves you.

Ummm, I'm not so sure. At the Oscars, her face looked very strange after so many nips and tucks. I mean, like, almost not human. It was sad.

Kate portrayed Kelly Anne Conway throughout the show, as they went to commercial. They showed her wearing the red dress, holding her phone, and sitting with her legs folded under her, just like KAC did last week in the Oval Office.