
Damn, we don't get $1500 a month on social security. I'd be thrilled to be a protester for that amount in a week.

It did feel overstuffed, even without Luke. All of the stories could have used some trimming. I know it is possible to tell multiple stories in the time frame, because Life in Pieces does it every week.

::dances in unison with other AV commenters while singing for review of last episode:: ♫ Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'. Please don't leave us hangin', no more. ♫
Not into soul music? How 'bout Oliver Twist?
::holds out empty brain-bowl with sad-looking orphan eyes:: "Please sir, I want some more."

Is there going to be a review for the 2/20/17 episode of Timeless?

And will it have a Danny?

I don't think Connor killed Wes, but it's possible Connor found him shortly after someone else killed him. But this show is so twisty, anything is possible. And yet someone else may have caused the fire. Can't believe the finale is next week!

The main case for it is that Trump loathes Rosie, and dislikes having men portrayed by women. Plus that photoshop they did of her face with Bannon's hair was pretty spot-on.

There's a meme with Kellyanne as "Alien" next to terrified Sigourney Weaver, that is awesome and horrifying.

But then our Twitter-snark would be out of sync with real-time.

Cast member Cecily Strong plays Melania from time to time.
I think Rosie would be great as Bannon though, due to knowing how upset it got the Donald at having a man portrayed by a woman, in addition to the physical resemblance. None of the young cast could look as haggard as Bannon without tons of makeup.

@Dennis Perkins,thank you for the terrific reviews. Even on the days I didn't enjoy the episode, I liked reading your essays.

I will give the next season a chance, but they are really facing an uphill battle without Ragnar. I agree the JRM scenes were done for shock value.

I agree. I was never really keen on the whole plot line of her trying to turn that girl into her daughter. I know she wanted a child but kidnapping an orphan and then being surprised that the child turns on you, is just lame.

Finally, a glimpse of Bruce becoming Batman. I enjoy the show well enough, but this has been a long time coming.

Well, Science is a slur now.

It hits too close to home, what with a supposed savior turning out to be an architect of evil.

Clyde watch = zero appearance, not even a mention. Hang in there lil' buddy, we're thinkin' of you!

Whenever Connor and Oliver are together, it makes me happy. Viola was so good in the whole episode - beaten down and disturbingly frightened, as it is so rare to see her not being strong.

I remember watching the Mary Tyler Moore show and realizing that as a young woman, I could go to college, get a degree, work, live alone, and that it would be fun and interesting, not the "lonely old maid" that single women had been portrayed as before.

I wondered the same thing.