
Young men think about sex even in the direst of circumstances.

Thanks for the laugh, kiddo.

That may be just around the corner.

I enjoy the show enough, and I like the set design and dark cinematography, but they are so boxed in by being a prequel, that we always know there is no real danger for any of the major characters. Gordon will live to become Commissioner, Bruce will become Batman, etc. So these stories of putting Jim in danger of

Delighted to see regular reviews! This isn't a super fast-paced show, but it moves along well enough to keep me interested and entertained. I don't know why they are hedging their bets on whether the visitor overlords are extraterrestrial, as we know about the moon base, and as far as I know, there is no human tech

I wondered too. If there was a mention it slipped past me.

If it was being done by Carl's company, it would feature nearly naked extreme buxomness.

Everybody poops when they die.

This episode had some good moments, as mentioned in the review, but it was a bit of a letdown after the last couple of really good episodes.
I did think the scene with Ubbe speaking to the visiting warrior mocking Ivar was very reminiscent of Ragnor's speech and movement patterns. There was some good direction there,

I thought he seemed awfully thin. I hope it isn't anything too bad.


What we modern, jaded "sophisticates" view as magical was very real to the Vikings though, so I don't see showing it in a "realistic" setting is so far-fetched. To this day there are people who swear ghosts are real, or that extraterrestrials exist, and if you made a show about their life, they would expect you to

I laughed several times. That's all I ask of a comedy - give me some laughs.

Ragnar was getting old, and his health was failing. He didn't want to wind up as a feeble old man who needed help. His desire was to go out as a warrior, which he did. I thought it was very well done, and while I will miss the character tremendously, the overall story is about all of them, not just him.

Don't forget to take your medicine, dear. Grandma loves you.

Clyde watch = 0

Of course. ::pats your head, pinches your cheek::

Come over here and share my shawl, Dennis. We'll go play bingo later. Then share a doobie.

Take that back! ::sharpens grandma shiv::

Sonofabitch, it got John Glenn.