
I agree it's not incorrect either way, but can we, as a society, once and for all, declare that "tomahto" is incorrect?

I actually only really like that character when they can play off of each other like that. This far into the series, I think Boyd's character is a solid one, but doesn't shine like he does when the whole dynamic between him and Raylan is the centerpiece.

While I'd agree that's a common perception, living in NYC, I see far, far more young adults playing handhelds rather than kids. Easily 3 or 4 to 1, at the lowest.

That's impressive, I commute Brooklyn to Manhattan every day, and I'd say I average 3-4 per weekday. I usually hold off and pull in the passes every other day. I'm up to maybe 120 passes in about a month and a half.

How genial of you, don't you know this is the internet and you're supposed to insult my mother or something? But seriously, I understand the arguments for both sides. I personally say "jif", but I don't correct people who don't. It's stupid, because it's not necessarily a word that has a "correct" pronunciation.

I'm not the one calling in and acting like a dick, though. So just because one person, or more, does it doesn't mean the rep is allowed to treat me as if I already have, which is something I run into constantly.

Speaking of JPEG, I hope you pronounce that "jay-feg" because that's how "photographic" is pronounced. Not trying to be a dick, just saying, that argument doesn't quite hold water.

I'm not one to say one side of this is definitively right, but the counter to the "Jraphics" argument is that, by that logic, "jpeg" should be pronounced "jay-feg", because the "p" is for "photographic"

I saw that, and am curious how much producing they actually did, or if they said "we're big names, we want producer credits". Either way, I generally enjoy the show. It has its moments where I roll my eyes, but overall, it's pretty great.

Exactly. No one is understanding what's going on, and deciding that that means the map is wrong. The entire country could be orange, with only a few cities blue, and the point is the exact same.

Everyone bashing this map is clearly just misinterpreting it. It's not saying "these are the top GDP-generating locations", it's saying "Here's what half the wealth looks like". So just because a city isn't orange and has more money than an orange city doesn't mean it's wrong, it means you're looking at the map wrong.

No one's saying that some people aren't idiots, but you're going to get more idiots if you don't give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they're going to act like idiots. If I get treated like garbage, I'm more likely to get pissed off, too.

And that's why everyone hates calling customer service at Verizon. Because no one actually wants to help you. And then they brag about it.

Probably before it got posted here and flooded with idiots spamming directions.

I wonder how I can convince you to never do that again.

I agree some of these are ridiculous, but if you have seen only good customer service, you've been very lucky. I have had nothing but trouble dealing with them over the phone. As far as service windows, they don't give you "9-5" as the window, but more than once I've been given "10-noon" and had someone show up at 1

Well then, good show, old boy.

Clearly, you didn't read my comment very well, as I said "I certainly use it sometimes". I do have one, and please, explain how I'm doing it wrong.

I'm not sure you do. The 3D is 100% a gimmick. It doesn't add anything to any of the games outside of "Wow" factor. It's cool, and I certainly use it sometimes, but there aren't any implementations of it that are anything more than surface-deep. I don't buy the "helps with judging depth" thing. It's cool-looking, and

I read that as skipping as in skipping rocks, not as bypassing. Lightly touching tastebuds. Which gives it the exact opposite meaning as your comment, but if it's meant the way you described it, yes Mountain Dew is delicious and I disagree after the fact.