
By far the best "Felina" predictions I heard related to the story of the song "El Paso". Google it if you want, I won't post it here, just in case it turns out to be correct and people don't want potential spoilers.

Thank you, Mitch Hedberg. So good.

I agree, it got a little repetitive, but I really enjoyed it overall. I don't understand the hate for it.

When "American" is used to refer to every person in 2 continents and not just people from the United States, then this is a valid argument. It is pedantic, whether you argue it isn't or not. The continents have North and South in them, or people say "The Americas". I've never heard anyone say they're from "America"

Yeah the point there wasn't that he doesn't deserve the career because he makes bad movies, it was that he doesn't deserve the career AND he makes bad movies. The guy is utterly unlikable.

Looks like Team #5 on that sheet is going to CRUSH the 1966 Fantasy Football Championships

No, in Linux, by default, it doesn't show the asterisks. This is to change the feedback from nothing to asterisks, not from asterisks to plain text.

Later the draft the better, no question. 3 weeks ago is WAY too early. I'm in 4 leagues and all of the draft are next week.

Is that true? I hadn't heard that. Interesting.

Like I said, I don't hate it as a software. I use it currently. It'd just be nice if I didn't need to. While I know people are way too quick to relentlessly bash Origin simply because it's "not Steam", people have been pretty darn quick to bash me for saying a relatively reasonable critique of Origin. And I've never

I actually didn't know that, I've never tried. I'm not saying EA software is worse than Steam, I use both. I'm just saying I already had an established Steam collection and don't want to run 2 programs if I can help it. Easy with the condescension.

Yup, they're automatically donating their share. Would have worked out that way anyway, but now they can claim they did it voluntarily. Actually a good move on their part.

I half hoped the top sale would be like $10 when I went on. Props to them for donating their share automatically to charity. I still hate them, but it's a nice gesture.

I don't really want the Sims games either, but I paid the average so I can get whatever games they always seem to add about a week in.

I don't hate Origin as a software, but I hate EA's refusal to allow the use of Steam like every other game retailer. I just don't want multiple programs that accomplish the same purpose.

The problem with that is for small markets with mediocre teams. If the games are all on TV, and the team isn't very good, people aren't going to go to the game, and the team is going to move. I realize it sucks, but there is a decent reason for it.

This is exactly what I thought of when I read that. Struck me as a bad idea. Also literally struck me.

It's a little exaggerated, but it was nothing I found annoying. Plus, other than walking around, the actions are triggered by a key-press, so other than the "tells" that happens when you do the spy actions, your character does the same exaggerated motions as the AI.

The point of the game is to determine which person is the player (spy), there's no challenge in shooting them once you know which one they are. Everything moves very slowly because they're trying to blend in.