
I liked Far From Home, but the one that got me is Cap 1 ahead of Infinity War. I’ve seen Cap 1 a few times over the years, and while it wasn’t as bad as I originally thought it was, it’s 10 spots too high in this list, and Infinity War is an excellent movie, at least top 10. Although my wife and I have a running joke

I misread your joke about the article as snark at my expense, and apparently can’t delete my reply, so apologies. 

I totally understand it wasn’t her decision, I misread the sarcasm as snark, that’s my mistake. I haven’t experienced the issue before, but it’s unfortunate that it’s long-running. 

So you’re going to make fun of my slideshow crack and ignore the fact that I pointed out a very real issue with this article? Cool. I wouldn’t have complained about the slideshow if the video didn’t continue playing in the background and making for a very annoying experience. 

Good lord, if you play one of these YouTube videos, then click on to the next slide, the video is just hidden and continues to play. You can to go back to that slide to pause the video, otherwise the audio continues to play in the background. I know it’s a running thing to whine about the slideshows, but this is a

I know. That’s the entire point of my comment. Prostrate means laying down.

I came to comment on the same thing. It says sit when you pee, not lay down. That’s another level altogether. 

I don’t understand how this is affected by the Roe v. Wade decision. This is in NY, which not only doesn’t have restrictions on abortion, it explicitly has laws protecting it. Things in NY are, by law, no different than they were prior to the Roe v. Wade overturning. So what are the grounds this doctor is doing this

Can someone explain to me why everyone hates the notch/holepunch cameras, and now Apple makes a “feature” that makes that space larger and more conspicuous, while giving it some small utility, and people act like it’s some kind of killer app? I want to not notice the space, and this is making it much more obvious, and

This one talks about the round pizza stone, but only the rectangular one is on sale. 

This one talks about the round pizza stone, but only the rectangular one is on sale. 

What’s the problem? You’re going to love his nuts. You think THAT guy wasn’t an upstanding citizen who strictly meant what he said? *Checks Wikipedia* Oh no...

This is what I was thinking as well. When I saw the “relatively cheap coin counter (that) will pay for itself pretty quickly” was $72, I laughed out loud. If Coinstar is 12%, I’d need to put in $600 in coins in there before it’d “pay for itself”, which would take me so long it’s not funny. 

Possibly stupid question: If the app uses an algorithm to update the code regularly, when you add it to Google Wallet, does it pass that algorithm along with the barcode? It must, or otherwise it wouldn’t correctly update without an internet connection. But wouldn’t that mean the algorithm for calculating changes is

What a weird take. This post is for “underrated” items. The Impossible Whopper is WAY better than I expected it to be. It’s not as good as the Whopper, but the Whopper is what I expected, and the Impossible one was better. The Impossible Whopper is underrated. Hence, one the list. 

Gotta love this site blanket bashing Reddit every chance it gets while very regularly posting entire articles sourced by Reddit threads. Pick a side, please.

That’s just a cute thing people say. A huge majority of people who buy tickets aren’t expecting to ever win. It’s gambling. You spend a little money on tickets on the off-off-off-chance you get any back if you win. No one thinks it’s a sound investment. It’s fun. 

This is the part I don’t get. If you liked the movies before, and you don’t like them now, stop watching them. Or don’t and hope they get better. But please stop yelling around me, and stop yelling at people who don’t have any control over the situation. Actually, stop yelling at anyone.

It’s a fair criticism, but I also think no one is expecting the game to be perfect. The Quiet thing is ridiculous, and I actually think Bayonetta is less egregious because it’s just leaning into the horny teenage mentality, rather than pretending it’s being reasonable. I played the game as-is and greatly enjoyed it,

Oh good lord. You went in on Twitter outrage culture and virtue signaling, and people made fun of you for it. That’s not bigotry. For someone making fun of others for wanting a simple option in a game, you sure are fragile.