
The Bril section just says “It’s a good time to buy one”. From what I can tell, there’s no sale, it’s full price, and it’s in the deal section solely as an ad. This page is totally dead at this point, isn’t it? Not even trying to actually be a deals page anymore. At least before the shameless affiliate stuff was ALSO

The Bril section just says “It’s a good time to buy one”. From what I can tell, there’s no sale, it’s full price,

And I’m SURE that when a trans woman, looking like and dressing like a woman, has M on her license because that was her assigned gender at birth, which is following the law to the letter, they won’t hassle her at all and will thank her for her cooperation. Obviously.

Can we please not advertise Amazon’s absolute nonsense “Retail prices”? The charger says it’s an “unbelievable 80% off”, which is based on a retail price of $1200. A 5 second Google search reveals that that charger has never been listed for more than $350.

Can we please not advertise Amazon’s absolute nonsense “Retail prices”? The charger says it’s an “unbelievable 80%

I'm no expert, so I may be wrong, but I think that's verifiably false. They're more damaging to environment at the beginning, but way less damaging later. They're only more damaging overall if you trash your car after 3-4 years or so, which no one does. 

This comment is so ill-informed I don't even know where to begin. Maybe start by looking at how much the climate has changed and how quickly before you try to pretend this type of thing is normal or common. Good lord. 

And it’s just as stupid here as it is for guns. 

Wow, very smug tone for someone who’s totally wrong. If the driver has a red light, in almost all instances a pedestrian would have a walk signal to cross in front of that driver. If the driver is looking to the left for cars, then makes a right turn, they could easily hit someone stepping in front of their car,

So the ticketing site mention with no delays referenced whatsoever is not only a mainstay as literally just an ad with no helpful info, but now has worked its way into the headline. Wow this article has gotten really bad. At least pretend it's about deals. 

So the ticketing site mention with no delays referenced whatsoever is not only a mainstay as literally just an ad

I know the answer to this, but do people understand what 10 pounds feels like? A 10 pound poop would be something like 20 times your normal ones, how does anyone hear that number and believe it?

I’m not under any delusions that all of this isn’t just a big ad all the time, but “Buy your tickets from this site” and no further deal info or anything is a pretty egregious version of it. That’s not what this round-up is supposed to be about even in the most generous interpretation of it.

I’m not under any delusions that all of this isn’t just a big ad all the time, but “Buy your tickets from this site”

And then they were STILL too dumb to understand. Just like we’re apparently too dumb to comprehend the location of 3 armies, or something? His Warsaw Uprising example was idiotic. 

So Americans are too dumb to understand the plot they wanted, so they dumbed it down, and people aren't watching, and his excuse is that the audience is still too stupid to understand? His Warsaw Uprising example was so uncomplicated, but that's too much for people? Make a good show, and people will watch or they

Agreed. It’s creepy (and overwhelmingly common) when men do this on social media, and it’s creepy here. Singling out one individual is debatably inappropriate, but anyone arguing against the “if the genders were reversed, everyone would agree that it was really inappropriate” is tough to counter for me. 

I believe that was a joke about the government. If not, you’re correct, but that’s how I read it. 

Are any of the Jachs clothes any good? I don’t know anyone who’s ever had them, but they’re on these deal roundups absolutely constantly.

Are any of the Jachs clothes any good? I don’t know anyone who’s ever had them, but they’re on these deal roundups

Did you not make it to the end of the first sentence, or did you read the article and somehow thing they were saying THAT was the crisis? Either way, you're not equipped for this conversation. 

Yikes. I heard Vera on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast last week and she seemed funny and likeable, but this looks rough. It looks like one of those fake YouTube parody trailers people make, but apparently there’s an hour-plus more of this. 

If you want people to come to the same conclusions you have, maybe don't write an article that reluctantly praises the conclusion in the middle of lots of mocking derision when someone does it. 

It's not "someone's car", it's an unmanned vehicle. Also, no, this is not a "great way to get shot". This might get you yelled at or confronted. This will only get you shot if you do it to a real psychopath.