
No, you’re clearly, clearly angry about it. All caps “NOBODY IS MAKING YOU PLAY”? Come on, now. If you think half-naked women are the only reason to play this game, that’s fine for you, but I can confidently say that’s not how most people feel, and not everything needs to be catered to you. It’s a good game, for

Agreed. I love the first game, but I remember my wife seeing it and thinking it was a game for horny teenagers, which admittedly the design lines up with pretty well. It was a little embarrassing defending it, so I totally understand people who would use this. It’s an excellent series, and if that’s the only thing

Both give me the overwhelming urge to punch. 

This has never, and will never, sell for $1640. This is the fakest “discount” I’ve ever seen. 

This has never, and will never, sell for $1640. This is the fakest “discount” I’ve ever seen. 

Numbers also rotate, so you’re not the first person to have your phone number, so it’s also been out in the world before you ever got it.

You refer to High Tension as “deeply problematic” while linking to an article that describes, in depth, what the author thinks about it, and closes by literally calling it “lightly problematic”. That’s a bit of an exaggerated tease.

Fully disagree. You, personally, have nothing to gain by giving them the absolute benefit of the doubt, and a lot to lose. To my knowledge, I have nothing explicitly illegal in my home. I would also not like to find out that that isn’t true because I invite a cop into my house. If they’re asking questions about

What an insane take. She’s pretty definitively been shown to have participated in the abuse. That doesn’t mean she deserved to be abused. Do you understand what nuance is? It seems pretty obvious to me that they were both truly awful to one another. That doesn’t mean anyone deserved what they got. How is this

For me, it’s more the backlash to the backlash that gets people. He told some jokes that people didn’t find funny and found offensive, and rather than apologizing, or even just ignoring the criticism, he doubled down and told MORE jokes at the expense of those same people. That’s the part that pushed me from just not

Yes, but that only works once. I believe you can’t continue doing the 1:1 conversion once you already have Ultimate.

What I thought was weird about that was that they gave Halsey the “blind evolution” monologue at the end, which is very much her motivation in the games (Yes, it’s unethical but it’s the only thing that will save humanity-type stuff), but they barely touched on that for the entire first season, outside of one or two

This is an idiotically naive view. I agree that they need to push back on the culture of abuse in the profession, and that there are obviously people who do exactly what you said, but to say that there are zero people who got into the police force for reasons other than wanting to abuse is stupid. I’m not even close

I don’t think it was, and it’s super tacky to make fun of the guy for not being able to walk. Basically literally anything else about him is fair game AND actually worth making fun of. His handicap isn’t.

Yeah, I’ve heard that angle on it before, and I think it’s a pretty good one. It should come up more often. It’s usually just the “my body, my choice” argument, which I agree with, but it’s not a counter to the anti-abortion arguments, so I think it’s a fruitless one.

I feel like the Kwan-Ha story is something that sounds like it could work in a 3 sentence pitch, but then they did nothing interesting with it whatsoever. The premise is solid, but they made her an annoying kid instead of the badass rebel they tried to make us believe she was while almost never showing any evidence of

I’m pro-choice, but this entire debate drives me insane, because the two sides are arguing 2 entirely different things. One side says “it’s my body and I make the decisions”, which of course sounds totally valid. The other side says “your decision is murdering another human being”, which of course ALSO sounds totally

Is it apparently impossible to rinse the soap off your glasses? Either it’s possible, and the solution is to do a better job of rinsing, or it’s not, and then there’s soap on literally every dish or glass I’ve ever owned, and it’s never bothered me.

Not 100% true. I’ve had it update later, and I’ve had it not update later. I played 3 games of LSS, first one I got 300 points, second 800, third 1200, and I was stuck at 300 for several more games of other modes, then the challenge updated to 1100 points, and I finished for the night. Even the next day, I never got

I would personally add Sorry to Bother You to that list. Great movie, nothing like what I thought it was going to be.

Anyone? What about the people who are dying of natural disasters at an accelerated rate because of climate change? Not only will people see effects before they die, LOTS of people have already seen effects or been killed by them. This is a ridiculously ignorant idea.