
The "cheapest flights happen at X time on Y day" thing hasn't been true for years. That's a relic of a time when new flights and fares were manually loaded into the system by a person at a specific time. It's all completely automated at this point, and has been for a long time, so that is no longer even a little bit

When Quick Resume works, it’s wonderful, but I feel like a majority of games I play have enormous issues resuming if they connect to any kind of servers whatsoever. Halo Infinite is faster to get into multiplayer if you manually kill it, restart it, sit through the splash screen intros, and then go into multiplayer,

A valid opinion, but certainly an extrajudicial one. If you punch someone who isn’t actively trying to kill you, and they die, you get severely punished. That’s how it works. It doesn’t matter if they were a bad person. They guy was a terrible person, but legally, that doesn’t mean you can kill him. Period. 

That one stuck out to me too. Saying something makes you anxious is totally valid, and not the same as claiming you have an anxiety disorder.

There’s a reason we use the expression “rubbing salt in the wound.”’

Agreed, Madden is a huge deal. I’ve had enough issues with the games that I won’t buy one for the foreseeable future, but I have a blast when it works well, and that’s worth my time once it’s included in a service I’m already using. I’ve already started setting up an online franchise with some friends who do the same

So all the people complaining that they’re getting a different word would get the same word as most everyone if they just refreshed the page?

That’s literally exactly what RT is. It’s the percentage of reviewers who gave this film a positive score. If every single reviewer gave a film a 3/5, it would have 100% RT score, and if 50% gave it a 2.5 and 50% gave it 5/5, it would have a 50% RT score. 

I don’t mind the “new” format of these posts, but keeping it as the same post so that the comment persist is really annoying. There’s absolutely no reason I’d want comments on this page from more than maybe a day or two ago, because some of the deals last a while. No reason whatsoever to keep comments from months ago

I don’t mind the “new” format of these posts, but keeping it as the same post so that the comment persist is really

I’ve seen studies about how they use proximity as well. So they know your connection to your wife’s friend, they know they’ve likely been searching or getting emails about Jeeps, and they know she was near you at work, so they serve you HER most relevant ads assuming they come up in conversation. Someone studied it

Between “Video games. We all have ‘em. And we all love ‘em—which is why we can never have too many of ‘em.” and the recent “Hey Gamer, Get yourself a new video game”, I think these posts are now written by everyone’s mom posing as a young person in a real Steve Buscemi situation. Soon there’s going to be a big sale

Between “Video games. We all have ‘em. And we all love ‘em—which is why we can never have too many of ‘em.” and the

That was because it was a functional item that should have just been a part of the game. This is a silly cosmetic that literally no one needs and doesn’t affect the game, but it’s there if they want it. There is a pretty big difference in my mind.

Well the arguments down in here are just as stupid as I expected. I loved this crossword, because in addition to either title working, there were 2 clues referencing “Characters in the movie referenced in” the main clue, and the answer to one was Spock and the other was Han Solo, so it made you figure out that both

Certainly sounds like a problem with iMessage to me. They have infinite money, figure out how to handle messages from the majority of smartphone users.

I actually forgot this was an issue because of the rest of the whole mess, but yes this was really annoying. I would play with a group of 4, and for some reason we’d end up on the same team but across 3 different squads. Dumb.

I think in addition to burnout, having everyone trying to solve the same word on the same day is a big part of it. 

There’s a way for kids to get things that’s not spending their own money on them, and I’m confident you can figure this one out.

It’s just Lingo, or word-based Mastermind, or a new variation of several games that have been around a long time. It’s not a novel idea, it’s just implemented in a way that worked at exactly the time that it was put out.

I refuse to believe there is anyone over the age of 15 who honestly cares about the color of text message bubbles.

I saw a news report on this, and they said that they were fine to be in the cold for a short while (less than a day), as long as you brought them back up to a temperature in the expected range before you use them.