
The PDA in the photo, gay/straight/anything, is too much for a general public place, in my opinion. Kissing is one thing, but I don’t want to see anyone’s tongue in anyone else’s mouth at a park or wherever they are. That counts double if you’re just doing it to take a picture.

Decent plan on its face, but that will likely cost you WAY more than a streaming service if you listen to more than just a few albums.

I’ve heard great things about this game, and I’m excited to try it, but the whole “player two doesn’t use their own character or track progress” thing in co-op games drives me crazy. If my friends and I are all playing a game, that kills co-op a lot of times. It’s great if one person is playing and another wants to

Really the solution to use whatever OS you want, but for the love of God stop giving people grief for their choice. The green/blue debate is mind-numbingly stupid, and I can't believe adults engage in it. The people below commenting "Eww" are children. It's ridiculous. 

I don’t think I can recall too many Halo 4 maps, which is your point.


Fair, the date that stuck in my head was the full release, and I forgot that the multiplayer released before that.

Oh, absolutely, I was referring to the fact that their audience is mostly very young people, so there’s no real incentive to grow up. A new group of immature young people will move in as long as they don’t grow up, in fact.

Agreed. I actually think the bigger it got, the worse it got. When they started having actual athletes on basically every episode, it didn’t feel like the same show anymore.

I mean, I think most of the audience is of the age they’re acting anyway, so if they never grow up, their audience will age out and be replaced with more immature people who are just a bit younger than the last round. 

People hated it for some reason, but it was so easy to get everything. Load up the game on your phone once a day, play a match against bots, and you’re done. It take like 10 minutes per day. 

It’s been out for like 5 weeks. I’m sure maps are coming, and I’d like to see them too, but damn...

My initial reaction was that Wordle is just the old logic game, called various things, I know it as Mastermind, just with a word component, so it’s not like it’s THAT creative of a game, but then I realized this dick not only took the idea, but just straight up used the name too, so screw him.

There’s the common sentiment that nerfing the mangler would essentially just force everyone to use the battle rifle”. This is the worst take I’ve ever heard about the mangler. The main reason the mangler is powerful is because it’s a one-shot-plus-melee automatic kill. You get close to people, shoot them and punch

I think the fact that 20 airplanes collide every year is more than I would have assumed. Does that number include collisions on the tarmac? Because 20 midair plane collisions is actually a scary number, I think.

That’s what they said, unless they edited it “disposable under the cloth mask”. And I’ve also heard that’s helpful, because it helps push the surgical mask down onto your face to eliminate gaps. 

I’m not trying to say that posting to Instagram is inherently bad, by any means. If you enjoy it, absolutely go for it. I’m just pointing out that the very first point being centered around social media specifically doesn’t strike me as “adult” as someone in my early 30s, that’s all. Absolutely not trying to attack

“Gruel”, not “grool”....Good lord.

“Gruel”, not “grool”....Good lord.

Oof. When the first point of how to throw an “adult” party is about how to make your food appealing for pictures on social media, I’m out. I’m not that old, but this is an immediate red flag that this isn’t actually for adults.

I think the Ember smart mug was on EVERY gift guide I looked at this year and last year.