
I think the Sony XM4s have been $247 for literally months. $250 might be the worst price I’ve seen in a long time. Not sure how that’s a deal, unless it’s something to do with the alternate colors.

I think the Sony XM4s have been $247 for literally months. $250 might be the worst price I’ve seen in a long time.


I have one. I feel weird every time I use it, but it’s better than any normal travel pillow I’ve ever used. 

That’s exactly what I thought. What an inside job. Pirate Nintendo software by BECOMING PRESIDENT OF NINTENDO!

I’m a millennial, and I’ll lean into it by saying “These Gen Z kids don’t even understand their own memes!”

“Things I don't like must be poorly designed" is not a great argument. 

A friend bought a car from them with cash, but they listed themselves as the lien holder on the paperwork. Since he doesn’t actually have any payments, their system wouldn’t let them release the lien because there weren’t applicable payments. Which seems both like a terrible system, and also some really illegal

It’s not terrible game design though. It’s how this genre of games always works. People not having the patients to try everything in their arsenal before declaring themselves stuck and the game broken is not the fault of the game devs.

The whole “OK Boomer” thing went off the rails when people stopped using it in the way it was intended. It’s not a way to dismiss people because they’re older by stereotyping them, it was a way to dismiss the literal stereotypical statements and actions. It wasn’t to throw at any statement you disagreed with, it was a

I was very confused by the 1-in-3 “extra adult” stat until I clicked into the link. This post seems to imply that only 1/3 of adults live with anyone else, but the 1/3 stat is simply additional, non-spouse/partner roommates. Besides that, good article. Don’t be gross. 

100% agree. I feel like this is one of those “traditional” etiquette rules that has no real merit, and is just a thing people say you should do, rather than something you actually should follow. I know some pretty big etiquette sticklers who have even abandoned this one.

Agreed. These are idiotic. I’m 32, and I work at a tech company with mostly people younger than me, and a few in their 40's, and none of these are real issues. Young people make fun of social media all the time, and use these “old people terms”. Everyone uses email as well as Slack, I’ve never heard the term

This is huge. I lost a bunch of weight during the pandemic because we were eating meals at home more, and even when those meals weren’t healthy, they were smaller than what you eat out, even if you eat healthy at a restaurant. As soon as I started going back to the office and eating out again, even though I tried to

Just rehashing the same thing everyone else said, but this is a tired, terrible argument. No one (sane) thinks Taco Bell is an equivalent for real Mexican food any more than a McDonald’s burger is an equivalent for a nice steak. It’s its own thing, and it’s fine. I enjoy it, and I was “brought up with properly

I get that there’s probably not a great way to calculate these sorts of things, but using Twitter interactions seems like such a terrible way of gauging how people actually feel about anything. 

“Don’t blab about anything your kids tell you” and also “Compare notes with other parents” is a fine line.

As a person who still masochistically plays a ton of EA Sports games, I would still NEVER pay full price for one. They’re all an absolute buggy mess. Every one. Fun? Sometimes. Worth 70 dollars? Not even remotely close. Sure, this could be the year they get it right and I could be totally wrong. But I’ve been waiting

As a person who still masochistically plays a ton of EA Sports games, I would still NEVER pay full price for one.

The Drafthouse as a whole has wonderful customer service. We once had an issue where we had a $100 gift card that had maybe $20 left on it, and their system somehow corrupted the record or something weird. The employee, who I’m sure was not at fault, just gave us a new $100 gift card, even though that’s an

The Drafthouse as a whole has wonderful customer service. We once had an issue where we had a $100 gift card that had maybe $20 left on it, and their system somehow corrupted the record or something weird. The employee, who I’m sure was not at fault, just gave us a new $100 gift card, even though that’s an

A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch.