
Exactly. I’m only saying that BECAUSE I can’t actually say “Hey, why didn’t you read what I said?”. If I could without being unprofessional, I’d say exactly that, so I’m going to use that passive aggression to make sure they know I don’t want to repeat myself, but they’re making me. 

I remember thinking it was fine. I loved AW, and I thought AN was more arcade-y and combat focused, with less of the eerie atmospheric stuff. Still enjoyed it, but it felt to me like something was missing. With the right expectations, I’d recommend it. 

Android has settings where you can adjust the saturation and such for the colors of your screen. Limited, maybe like 3 different options, but some customizability at least. I’m not sure if iPhone has the same, but there is some flexibility for this type of thing. 

Love this, but is anyone else able to use the “Get the data” and “Download image” links at the bottom of the big chart. I’d love to save this data, but I haven’t been able to get those links to do anything. 

It’s clear that you’re very mad about this, but saying a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding is totally reasonable, and is not bigotry. There is plenty of bigotry in the movie industry, but people disagreeing with Liu’s read does not mean they hate him because he’s Asian.

I’m not sure that World War Z is the best of them” after naming 3 pretty objectively better zombie movies is a weird way to word that, but I agree with the rest of the post. 

This is one that I knew, but it’s so commonly pronounced incorrectly that basically no one will know what you’re talking about if you say it correctly, or they’ll think you’re stupid.

Low: Make sure you’re fully vaccinated before travelling.

I recently found my old 3DS, and the rubber on the thumbstick had gotten sticky and gross, so I tried to clean it, and it essentially melted off. It came off when I wiped it, and now it’s just a nub. I don’t know what they make these things out of, but the stickiness factor weirds me out. 

There are times when I’m torn whether I’m being ridiculous, because I’m sure there are other instances of this where it doesn’t bother me, but I despise the idea of a private company inserting themselves into the already-ridiculous security process, and determining who gets a fast-pass. 

So "Buy One Get One Free", a phrase that has been used for years and years, is incorrect? 

I know it's a cheap projector, but claiming that 480p at 150" is "pretty dang sharp" is just plain misleading. 

I know it's a cheap projector, but claiming that 480p at 150" is "pretty dang sharp" is just plain misleading. 

Surely you understand that if you buy something, and they give you something else extra that you didn’t buy, that’s free, right?

It doesn’t do that at all. I’m a white dude, and I think it’s super cool that a Black woman holds a video game-related record. It’s a hobby I love, it’s cool seeing people from a different background than me getting involved in the same interests as me, especially in a world where a lot of these things are skewed

You say objections like it’s a wide range of issues people are having with the post. The one and only issue anyone is having is the explicit description of the collector’s race in an article literally written to highlight her race, and how it’s impressive for a Black woman to hold the record in an area where being

Most of the article is about how the author took a particular interest in this person and this record because they were both Black women, and that was significant to her. That’s why the article exists. So it’s a key piece of information. If it was a random person she didn’t relate to, she wouldn’t have written a story

Do you think when you steal from a Gamestop franchise, the monetary hit comes out of the CEO’s paycheck and no one else is affected? What a childish take on the whole idea.

The eShop card description says Eneba, but the link goes to Newegg, and the promo code works at neither, so I’m not sure what’s going on there.

The eShop card description says Eneba, but the link goes to Newegg, and the promo code works at neither, so I’m not

Oh fun, let’s try it in the wild. What is Critical Race Theory, and what things do you think are being taught to children that are so offensive to you? Because I can tell you for damn sure no one is outright telling kids “feel bad for being white”.

What are you talking about? Kids play outside unsupervised literally all the time. I did constantly, and I’m not that old. Your argument is simultaneous that it wasn’t safe for the kids to be outside alone, and also that the man wasn’t safe from a slightly large child? The only danger here is the guy firing guns out