
Wow, this is a terrible take. Games have been $60 for a long time. $60 now isn’t worth what $60 was when that price was set. Of course I don’t want to pay $10 for a game, but saying it’s “incredibly stupid” to understand basic economics is idiotic. A company making more money doesn’t mean that company should not make

All of the links are placeholders...All 3.

All of the links are placeholders...All 3.

Seriously. I understand thinking Biden to too far right for your liking. But if you’re so far left that Biden seems too conservative, I imagine that 4 more years of Trump should not be an acceptable loss to make a point. I totally respect that standpoint, but take that stand another time, when all of this isn’t so

I have no issue with this article at all, but I laughed when I read the headline because I just thought of the people who whine in the comments about “There are people who live outside of NYC, you know”. This ought to shut down that argument.

I have no issue with this article at all, but I laughed when I read the headline because I just thought of the

As someone who has watched some streams, but avoided Twitch “culture” like the plague, I fully agree. Imagine this type of drama in any other situation. I can’t fathom caring about one internet user’s opinion is on an unrelated internet user’s apology for a controversy about having a boyfriend. Typing that out hurts

The “it’s just a joke” argument is such a tired line. If the “funny” part of your joke is just that people think you’re racist, you’re either a sociopath who is both bad at jokes while simultaneously not caring about how your words affect others, or you’re just straight-up racist . Or both. There are no other

Exactly. For me, I probably wouldn’t watch it anymore, because I don’t know if I could get past what a bad guy he is, and I wouldn’t recommend people going out and buying the Cosby Show now, because I don’t think people should be giving him more money than he already has. But the only benefit of throwing out books or

Also don’t judge someone else because they don’t have the same reaction as you. Especially if they’re just appreciating the artist’s work, and not financially supporting them. A person listening to their old Michael Jackson albums is allowed to do that, just like a person who refuses to ever listen to his music again

That’s a reasonable take. It seems like some people think you can’t have a story told in any time period without discussing all sensitive issues of the time, and I think that’s crazy. Historical accuracy in fictional media is not a requirement to be taken seriously. But as you said, it’s better to not address it at

I agree that the comment you’re replying to is straw-manning this pretty hard, but there is a weird contradiction to these types of articles. If you sugarcoat the history, there are accusations that you’re ignoring the ugly history of the events, and if you portray them in all of the ugliness, people say it’s too

NHL 20 is also on sale directly from the Microsoft Store, if anyone has credit to spend.

NHL 20 is also on sale directly from the Microsoft Store, if anyone has credit to spend.

The idea that the no-touch tool doubles as a bottle-opener is hilariously dumb. “Use this tool to touch all the gross, germy surfaces so you don’t have to. Then, take it and touch it to something you’re going to put your mouth on.”

The idea that the no-touch tool doubles as a bottle-opener is hilariously dumb. “Use this tool to touch all the

so pick one up right here if you’re balling like that, then be sure to pick one up right here.” is probably not the wording you were going for. 

so pick one up right here if you’re balling like that, then be sure to pick one up right here.” is probably not

I didn't expect the 3 example sets given to encompass the entire sale. I didn't even nerd to click into the site. 

I didn't expect the 3 example sets given to encompass the entire sale. I didn't even nerd to click into the site. 

“Do your own research" isn't a good argument when you're the one coming in making claims. If you're making the claim, back it up. If you'd posted those links in the first message, I wouldn't have questioned it. 

Care to actually mention some of the bigger ones then, or just make sassy comments that don’t help anyone?

Washington is DC and not the state. 

If we could only be so lucky that said douche disconnects from the internet forever...

A study saying that they’re correlated doesn’t mean he’s guilty, that’s why you’re seeing pushback. I would never say he was innocent, or that he doesn’t have the types of problems that would make me not be surprised, but the study you quoted doesn’t mean that a particular individual automatically follows that trend.

Fair. I’m so used to it being used completely incorrectly re: the police lately that my knee-jerk reaction was that this person was saying that it’s not actually a problem because only a small handful of people are doing it. If you read it that only a few people are doing it and THAT is causing the problem, then it is