Can we stop using the “bad apples” analogy incorrectly every time? The phrase is “a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch”, which is exactly the opposite of the point you think you’re making.
Can we stop using the “bad apples” analogy incorrectly every time? The phrase is “a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch”, which is exactly the opposite of the point you think you’re making.
The other thing I noticed is that you burned 3 or 4 rounds aiming down the sights and immediately firing before aiming. I’m guilty of the occasional panic-clench myself, but that’s usually in more traditional shooters. Here, where ammo is scarce, it’s a much bigger penalty, and resulted in a few pistol shots with no…
I’m not saying that’s wrong, just that they’re going to get some backlash course-correcting for that all at once.
Totally fine with a larger number of high quality but shorter games, assuming they’re going to charge me less for less content. Oh, they’re not?
I don’t have a problem with removing them either, but I think the context matters. The Alfie and Andy or whatever it’s called is satirizing using white people to play black characters. That’s why the joke isn’t the blackface, it’s how insane it is, and that’s shown by Tracy Morgan’s character getting progressively…
The difference is that the word blacklist has never been about race, as far as I can find. The word “fag”evolved to be used as a slur, therefore, it’s not acceptable to use anymore, because its current meaning is derogatory. If the common usage of the word blacklist evolved to specifically mean “don’t let these people…
Yeah, I whole-heartedly support the protests that are currently going on, and absolutely think it’s overdue that we do something about police violence, abuse of power, corruption, and all of that. 100% in support. But people seem to be missing the point that these aren’t games about cops gunning down innocent people.…
That’s how I felt as well. Master/slave has felt weird my entire life, but white/light as good and black/dark as bad and scary isn’t strictly race-based, although obviously sometimes it is. That applies to white/black-list, white hat/black hat, etc. I think completely racially homogeneous civilizations had light vs.…
That's not an answer though. What do I do if someone invades my home? Is there a community group that's going to come and intervene, and do their best to physically protect me if I'm threatened with violence? I understand that social groups can do better than police in many, maybe even most, situations, but you can't…
This is a completely insane statement. The question was answered, but not in a way that person thought was adequate. That means he doesn’t care about sexual assault? Give me a break. The article pitched the idea that community support groups would lead to a decrease in violent crime. That’s probably true and I support…
Why does it say the Jabra 75t don't come with a charging case? They absolutely do.
Why does it say the Jabra 75t don't come with a charging case? They absolutely do.
I don’t think people are out there sending “Hey.”, but if you write a sentence, end it with a period. If you write multiple sentences, you’d better end it with a period. Only one word or one-phrase replies are objectively weird with punctuation.. If the other person reads so far into your punctuation that they’re…
Including Parasite, the Best Picture of the year, under a list of “underappreciated films” is an interesting take. Great movie though.
Including Parasite, the Best Picture of the year, under a list of “underappreciated films” is an interesting take.…
Yeah, I did a very little bit of bouncing around other people’s islands, and it’s unplayably bad for any sort of drop-in, drop-out play. If people show up, hang out for a while, and then leave, it’s fine. If you’re opening your island up for a bunch of people to come in and gather fruit or sell turnips or whatever,…
I agree on most of the points here, but I think it's an insane take to say that the romance genre wasn't intended to be funny. It was very obviously intended to be funny, I thought.
May have been taken down? The page loads for a second, then redirects to a 404.
May have been taken down? The page loads for a second, then redirects to a 404.
I didn’t say there aren’t merits to changing the system, I said that criticizing individuals, which this article is doing, solely for a position they hold, without any evidence of them abusing the position, is stupid. If this article was about how the entire concept of land-ownership is unjust, without attacking a…
I know most of this is copy/pasted from day to day, but I’m not a fan of being told that it’s Friday on a Tuesday. Not cool, man.
I know most of this is copy/pasted from day to day, but I’m not a fan of being told that it’s Friday on a Tuesday.…
Ticket to Ride is not a “card game”, but involves cards that you need to keep from other players. How did they manage that remotely? I guess everyone needed their own copy of the game, and they just used a “combined” deck, where each remote person used their own deck?
It’s very telling that you responded to a question about “blanket outrage”, and in the middle, tried to sneak in a “Did the landlord earn the capital by working hard, and then investing? Sometimes. Many times, no.” and then continued on being specifically angry about the ones who employ predatory practices as if…