
It’s certainly worth considering, but it’s not disqualifying. More people means more costs for these programs, but also more money to pay for them. Yes, there are logistical considerations to look at, but I haven’t heard a convincing argument why it’s definitely not scalable, but I’m open to someone making it.

I don’t agree with everything Bernie wants, but man, you’re very wrong here. If you pay more in taxes and less in health care costs, you’re not necessarily in the hole, that’s not how math works. And “Go back to” place-you’re-not-from is a really stupid insult on top of things.

I know you’re doing a bit, but I think if you have to dip your wings into any kind of wing sauce, your wings weren’t made right. They’re tossed in sauce, not dipped in sauce.

I know you’re doing a bit, but I think if you have to dip your wings into any kind of wing sauce, your wings weren’t

People can pronounce it however they want, but this is a bad argument. That’s not how acronyms/abbreviations work. I already see the JPEG and scuba examples, so I won’t belabor the point, but this isn’t the great argument people seem to think.

That’s fair. I usually use very small amounts for a little bit of different flavor, but not enough to really compete. But ranch on wings is just wrong. 

That’s fair. I usually use very small amounts for a little bit of different flavor, but not enough to really

I think the hard drive doesn’t hold 8,000 terabytes of data. If it does, I’ll buy all of them.

I think the hard drive doesn’t hold 8,000 terabytes of data. If it does, I’ll buy all of them.

As a Buffalonian, I feel an unearned entitlement about chicken wings, and I say that if you put ranch on wings instead of bleu cheese, you’d better be eating some boneless Applebees nonsense, which taste fine but are a disgrace to the word “wing”. I’m exaggerating how strongly I feel about this, but the sentiment is

As a Buffalonian, I feel an unearned entitlement about chicken wings, and I say that if you put ranch on wings

 I generally don’t think that a difference in political opinion would sway me from a babysitter, but if they talk politics with my young kid and try to sway them? GTFO. 63% is way too low. Either my kid is too young for your crazy propoganda and you need to back off, or my kid is old enough to debate politics, which

Is the code for the external display expired? I haven’t been able to get it to work all day. 

Is the code for the external display expired? I haven’t been able to get it to work all day. 

No one is saying anyone has to cut up a book. For any piece of art that is mass-produced, and you’re not wasting someone’s hard work, you’re free to do whatever you want. If I buy a print of a painting and then I rip it up, I’m not harming the artist in any way. A person cutting a book isn’t harming the author. If I

Legitimate question, but why is a 6oHz monitor not good for competitive gaming? As I understanding it, human reaction time is on the order of tenths of seconds, so how wouldn’t a difference of 1/120th of a second be negligible? Obviously, the video would be smoother, but as far as a real competitive advantage, it

Legitimate question, but why is a 6oHz monitor not good for competitive gaming? As I understanding it, human

It’s not at all. It’s a middle finger to everyone else, in a way. It’s at the very least fan-service for their sakes. You didn’t like Rose? She’s gone. You didn’t like the parentage answer? They lied to you. You didn’t like change of any sort? Everything’s the same again. I actually thought the movie was entertaining

What backlash could there have been? It’s easy for them to either explain what happened and not release it out of respect for the guest, if that’s the direction they chose to take, or just say there were unforeseen issues during the recording and they wouldn’t be releasing it.

Agreed. That was the point I was making as well. That it wasn’t “live” since it was just a recording. Not that they couldn’t have done it because it was live.

This is a great summary of what happened, and I think fairly captures the fact that what they did sucked, but also it doesn’t feel like an attack on them, which I think is great, because it really does seem like it wasn’t intentional, that they felt bad when you explained why it sucked, and that they learned the

Hmm. 1. Not live, that’s not how this works. 2. They chose to release the episode to own up to it, and I’m assuming this article wouldn’t exist had they had chosen otherwise. He didn’t do it for publicity, because on the episode itself, he mentions the fact that he thinks it will probably never see the light of day.

I think that’s totally fair. I haven’t had real issues either, outside of the fact that it just does look bad when compared to PC or console graphics. My concern about the longevity of something like this is the audience. I’m really not sure how big it will be. It sounds like you’re right in the sweet spot, but I

Somehow. I’m not even anti-Stadia. I had a Google store credit and pre-ordered one, and it’s fine. It’s not horrible like some people are saying, but it’s not great. I hope that it will get better as it goes, not worse. I just thought that was a ridiculous thing to say.

Because they mention that there are issues? Reporting issues that are actually happening isn’t bias. It’s how journalism works.

No, it’s not rude to say ok, but if people keep writing enough articles saying it is, you can start a bunch of fights for no reason, so keep up the good work.