I love that you say that no one in Westeros has any cousins, when I think approximately 30% of the text in the books is dedicated to describing people’s relatives.
I love that you say that no one in Westeros has any cousins, when I think approximately 30% of the text in the books is dedicated to describing people’s relatives.
I’m not sure how many times Bran has to claim that he’s no longer a Stark before people start taking him seriously.
That’s literally exactly what McGahn said. That he took notes because he’s a “real lawyer”. Trump is used to the Roy Cohn’s of the world.
She’s awful, but the idea that Fox News will lose a single viewer over this is ridiculous. The Venn diagram of Laura Ingraham fans and Nipsey Hustle fans is 2 separate circles. Same with Laura Ingraham fans and people with a single shred of self-awareness or integrity.
This was my first thought as well. This works well for the boxes, but the innards of the games will be an absolute mess in most of the games I own if I do something like this.
According to the rules, yes, but basically any places that do the photos for you won't let you. I had mine done a few weeks ago at a AAA office and they told me I was not allowed to. I knew I was, but it's not worth fighting about.
You're legally allowed to, but if you have your passport photo taken somewhere, they almost never let you. I, for stupid reasons, had my passport photos taken twice recently, and neither place, including a AAA office, let you smile when they take them.
The problem with Sinemia goes beyond the complaints in this article. They are mass-terminating account, without explanation, seemingly for anyone who is using it more than they’d like. I bought a year subscription, and used it the max 3 times per month for the first 4 months, and they just cancelled my account. Their…
I posted this during the last (strangely recent) debate about this on this site. “Not liking Twizzlers is fine, but Red Vines being “obviously superior” is crazy. Twizzlers don’t really taste like fruit, but they taste like fake candy fruit. I can’t even explain exactly what a Red Vine tastes like. It’s not a flavor I…
The backlash over this is idiotic. Many, many writers envision themselves as the lead character when they’re creating a story. If not that, then they certainly relate to their prior experience, so why would their characters not be similar to them, at least a lot of the time? It’s idiotic to think that Peele is racist…
I would argue that it's definitely not boring, and while confusing, it's that way on purpose, which isn't a defense nor a criticism, just that it's meant to be confusing, and some, myself included, don't find that to be a negative. It's like a mystery that you have to sit and think about to unravel. Not for everyone,…
It’s not even that at this point. If we’re sticking with the basketball metaphor, it’s a tie game with a shot in the air at the first-half-buzzer, and some guy the coach hired said it looks like it’s going in.
It’s not really plot-centric. The important part is that she comes across as a person who doesn’t particularly take care of herself. In real life, she was at least a little overweight, but as long as it was played a bit sloppy, with a gross, messy apartment, it could have worked. I do think, however, that if a role is…
This was my biggest takeaway too. Not liking Twizzlers is fine, but Red Vines being “obviously superior” is crazy. Twizzlers don’t really taste like fruit, but they taste like fake candy fruit. I can’t even explain exactly what a Red Vine tastes like. It’s not a flavor I have ever had before.
I think that’s a really weird take. He was correct that the world was “ending”. The rest of the terrible stuff he did was still despicable, and the fact that he’s able to convince other people that he’s right is not supposed to be evidence that he is, it’s supposed to be evidence that he’s horrifying.
I think that’s a really weird take. He was correct that the world was “ending”. The rest of the terrible stuff he…
This is where I landed. I thought Malek was good, and the music was basically impossible to screw up. That’s about it. It has a lot of issues, but I thought it was “fine”. It certainly didn’t deserve awards, but I also don’t think it deserves the hate it got. It’s an OK to mediocre film, not a horrible one.
If those are your priorities, then cash back is your best option. That doesn’t make the point of this article, which is that the MOST value you can get out of rewards is by putting them towards travel rewards, incorrect. If you value consistency and lack of limitations, then yes, cash is better.
No, the point of that sentence is that you obviously don’t have a better way to spend “points” if your card ONLY offers cash-back. Most point rewards give you more bang for your buck, but it’s stupid if you are just using them to use them, as opposed to getting things you actually want. That’s the whole point of the…
I get that everyone here disagrees with her stance on this, but I appreciate her just resigning from her position instead of staying and trying to fight against the decision that had already been approved. People gave Kim Davis an unrelentingly hard time, and deservedly so, because she wouldn’t quit the job she no…
I read that this doesn’t have the analog triggers that the original GCN controller had. Not sure that matters for Switch, since I don’t think any of the other controllers have that, but some people seemed to care.
I read that this doesn’t have the analog triggers that the original GCN controller had. Not sure that matters for…