Some, yes, but less because of the surface area difference. If you took a thick burger and flattened it, you get a bigger diameter, and more crust on the outside. I love a smashed burger and a rare steak, they don’t need to be the same thing.
Some, yes, but less because of the surface area difference. If you took a thick burger and flattened it, you get a bigger diameter, and more crust on the outside. I love a smashed burger and a rare steak, they don’t need to be the same thing.
While I agree that Meadows is absolutely the dick in this whole exchange, and that Cummings could have dealt with it better, I don’t 100% blame him for what he did. His job here was to get them to stop fighting and get on with the actual hearing. While I think he would have been correct to tell Meadows to shut up and…
I’ve heard the only thing the rice does is keep you from turning it back on too soon, so it “works”, but not for the reasons people think. If you just have some self-control and let it sit and dry out, you get the same results. Silica packets probably work at least slightly better since keeping water away from…
I think the reason more people complain about Black Panther than the other two is because it’s pretty widely accepted to be better than the other 2, according to critics at least. It had more, and certainly more enthusiastic, support than basically any other movie, so people feel a bigger need to voice their…
This is how I feel as well. As a movie, it’s sloppy. It’s certainly not the Best Picture, but Malek is good, and it’s full of Queen music. I’m glad I saw it, but it shouldn’t win.
You’re right that there’s no other side to this coin, yet you’re trying to argue another side. The only side is that he committed a crime, and very publicly has made it more difficult for people guilty of actual hate crimes to be taken seriously. As for your metaphors, they’re not related to this at all. This isn’t a…
I laughed at the “And this tip from u/oxfouzer that I can’t believe works” quote before the folding chip bag tip, because I’ve seen that tip probably 10 times in my life, and perhaps all of them were on this site.
As a Fox News hater, I can’t believe people are choosing this to pick on of all things. I feel like this is so obviously a joke, I can’t believe anyone took it seriously at all.
Titanfall 2 is incredible, and if you enjoyed that game and have any passing interest in BR-type games, play this 100%. It’s a BR with Titanfall mechanics and gunplay, which for me is an absolute dream. I’ve had more fun with this already that I ever did with PUBG.
I will. And for some reason, you won’t, and you’ll be back at the next Fortnite-related article to whine about how it’s a game for little kids. We get it. You hate it.
As someone who doesn’t even play the game, you’re not impressing anyone with your “cool” derision. My money’s on you not being much older than 11. Probably 12, based on that oddly specific choice.
I don’t think that’s true, at least not a lot of the time. Most places with signups or tickets have promotional photo rights just by people showing up. Any ticketed event, at least, has that in the fine print as a part of entering the event.
To be fair, actual Ron Stallworth in the movie makes a pretty hard appeal to the “not all cops” side of things. I don’t know anything about the actual events, so that may or may not be inaccurate in this case, but they balanced the anti-cop with pro-some-cops fairly early on.
I despise Kane because I’m from Buffalo, and people want to flaunt him as this hometown hero, instead of a garbage human being and a horrible representation of a city that I’m already growing to realize is a bit of a cesspool of some really terrible people the longer I’ve been away.
But he’s hosting an awards show. Literally what else can he do besides “speak out” or not speak out? If you don’t think the joke is funny, everyone is entitled to whatever opinion, but there was nothing wrong with making it.
Actually, they asked if he was "unable", so "nope" was correct based on the point he was making. Maybe read a little closer before you call someone out.
Shep Smith and Chris Wallace are actual journalists. I disagree with a lot of their political opinions, and they’ve had moments I think shouldn’t have happened, but they are legitimate journalists. The fact that people disregard what they report and accept the talking heads, who spew nonsense all day, is the problem.…
In some sense, they absolutely do get to do that. Do you also think that it doesn’t matter when the NCAA vacates wins, because history decides that those wins count? That’s not how it works.
I’m not sure the best way to do it, but would it be possible to separate out the recurring prices/sales from the new/one-time ones? I know they’re already categorized by type, but a ton of these appear over and over again, or at least for a bunch of days in a row, and for people who read the column regularly, it’s…
I’m not sure the best way to do it, but would it be possible to separate out the recurring prices/sales from the…
Both the article and the video say that it’s a test, not someone actually towing some random persons car. It’s neither “staged” nor “fake”, it’s just not showing what you thought it was showing.