
How is it clickbait? It says Switch bundle, which is is, and it’s less than retail, which is a deal? It’s not a deal I’m interested in either, but that doesn’t make it clickbait.

How is it clickbait? It says Switch bundle, which is is, and it’s less than retail, which is a deal? It’s not a deal

We had the same argument. Imdb says it's David Edward. 

Are you arguing that leftovers were invented by a certain group of people? The rest, fine, but leftovers?

You say “classic example” as if it’s a situation that comes up constantly where the stats say that a player isn’t nearly as good as they are. That’s not how it works. The only way that could possibly be true is if there are stats that aren’t being analyzed that show they’re actually great. If you have numbers we

Yeah, that’s the part that’s just blatantly self-unaware to the point of ignorance. I have heard many people refer to kids as monkeys. My mom did to me. But to not realize that it could have been taken differently than you meant it and apologizing is really bad. If she was horrified and apologized and said she meant

I can watch the McGahee injury a million times, but the Clint Malarchuk video makes me sick to my stomach. It’s brutal. 

That’s nonsense. I can see why people would not like it, but there is nothing “alt-right fantasy” about anything Wright has ever done. 

You mean the “3-4-Word Car-Related Phrase Generator” series? It’s one of my favorites.

Devil’s advocate, but the Putin transcript thing did legitimately have a microphone issue during the line that was dropped. Not that they’ve earned the benefit of the doubt, but I actually think this is more egregious, because there’s no excuse for it whatsoever. 

I was actually hugely disappointed by Caddyshack. I’m almost 30, and saw it for the first time a year or two ago. It had been built up as this comedy classic to me for years, but I really don’t think it aged well. If you don’t laugh at Dangerfield’s “Ooooh boyyyy” and eye roll 15 times, his schtick gets really old

It’s an interesting question. I don’t really know how it works. It would seem weird if there wasn’t some way to do it, but I also know that Chris Collins could be going to jail, but there was no way to take him off the ballot unless he switched to run for a different office. They couldn’t simply remove him. In his

To be fair, they did denounce him, but he won anyway. Is there anything they can do about it if he wins? I legitimately don’t know. If I run for office as a Republican, and my platform is that Republicans are dumb and the party leadership is terrible, and I win somehow, is there anything the party can do? Not

Not only is it the opposite of their job to judge someone with a valid prescription, they’re doubly not in a position to make these decisions if they don’t know that the word “abortion” is used in more than one situation in fertility. If you just see that word and blow your top, you should not be allowed to work in

Mayo and Ketchup is the best fry dip. But no sane person thinks that ranch has somehow overtaken ketchup. You can like ranch on fries, but it’s not even in the same conversation as ketchup. 

Even if you like ranch on fries, surely no one is so delusional that they think MOST people in America prefer it. That’s completely insane. 

Marino is the only reason anyone ever needs that rings are a stupid thing to use as a comparison between individual position players. And I’m a Bills fan. Put Marino on the Pats and there’s absolutely no way he doesn’t outperform Brady. 

What scandals are following Gorsuch (besides the Merrick Garland thing, which is Congress’s fault, not his) and Alito? It’s not the liberals who avoid scandal, it’s the people who aren’t accused of sexual misconduct. The only one with a real scandal following him is Thomas.

Are you ignoring the fact that the last 4 justices who actually made it to the Supreme Court were confirmed by close to party lines? No one since the early 90's has been confirmed without partisan fighting, on either side. This isn’t a one-way street. 

I dispise the Flyers and their fans, but I am all in on that deep dive into crazy they call a Twitter account. Amazing stuff. 

Not that it hasn’t been said by a bunch of other people, but the game takes literally no more than 30 minutes for corrupt cops to betray Spider-Man. It happens so early that I’m not even concerned with it being a “spoiler”. If you judged the game before 30 minutes of game time, your opinion couldn’t be more