And slightly less than that wanted Trump. Correct.
And slightly less than that wanted Trump. Correct.
Interesting introduction.
I meant here, in this discussion, where that person posted. And also, I don’t think anyone thinks Clinton is rightfully President because she won the popular vote, certainly no one with any sense whatsoever. There are certainly people that think Trump isn’t rightfully President because of the possibility of foreign…
I don’t think anyone’s arguing that winning the popular vote is something that carries official weight. It’s just a reminder that there’s an official tally that most people didn’t vote, and most people who did didn’t vote for him.
There are also several lines where he talks to officers and makes comments like “Tell your colleagues to maybe not shoot at me next time”. It’s addressed a bit, while not being the focus of the game. He helps the cops when it’s the right thing to do. He stops crimes. He’s not raiding people in their homes whose only…
Can we talk about the fact that he said “I think you’d have a GDP of less than zero”? That’s not at all how GDP works, and this shows that he doesn’t even know what it is.
He did cross a line. He crossed a line into “being a dick” and “pestering her for sex”. That means he acted like a douchebag, that does NOT mean he committed sexual assault. He was sleazy for sure, but saying this is the same as people who literally force themselves on people is insane.
Serious question, as I haven’t read it since high school, but why has Heart of Darkness not aged well? I seem to remember it being a sort of haunting description of racism and the exploitation of Africa, clearly all as very bad things. Am I not remembering that correctly, or is there some other reason?
While I think the “assumed their gender” joke is generally eye-roll-worthy, tired, and not funny, I think it’s more often used to mock a very specific type of person, not transgender people in general. I think I’m at least moderately open-minded about these things, and if I accidentally referred to someone by an…
Exactly. There was a huge, million-dollar Fortnite tournament today that was supposed to be 4 games. They finished 3, had to restart 1 because it crashed, and just called the last one when it crashed with 4 people remaining as a tie. People try to claim Fortnite doesn’t have problems just because it’s the most…
Literally every day. I use SwiftKey on my phone, and it absolutely nails it probably 95% of the time. Transpose letters? Easy. Fat-finger an N instead of the space bar and create a long monstrosity of multiple words strung together with letters in between? Still probably figuring it out for me.
I understand the reasoning behind it, that it clears the bases so the pitcher doesn’t need to pay attention to runners anymore, but I can’t possibly imagine that’s worth the extra bases and runs. I’d love to see a metric to prove it mathematically, because the idea seems so stupid, and I’d like to show it definitively…
I agree with every single thing you said, except I think that it’s still “racist” by definition. I think it’s far, far less offensive than racist jokes about other races, for exactly the reasons outlined in this article, but that doesn’t make it “not racist”. I don’t think these jokes are bad, and I think the people…
I think it’s a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy as well. I’ve played in a few of the ZogSports leagues, and I’ve generally found that the women are less skilled, for the most part, than the men. I don’t think that’s because women in general are less skilled, I think that stems from the fact that co-ed leagues tend to…
I get why they did it, but personally I think that it’s stupid. The Jynx situation was different because there’s a pretty strong argument that the original design of Jynx was meant to invoke a minstrel-y vibe, and therefore has actual racist connotations. This doesn’t. That said, I understand them not wanting to get…
There are people on both sides of these arguments. Yes, the word has other meanings, but if you’re using it as an insult, you’re not using those other meanings. You’re being an idiot. On the other hand, a word in itself shouldn’t be considered un-utterable. If you can’t differentiate between calling someone a faggot,…
I’m assuming a lot. Sincere question, I know it’s the gender-neutral form, but since Ocasio-Cortez is a woman, and is referred in this same article using “her” and “she”, does that not mean the correct word is Latina? Not trying to argue, maybe I’m just unclear on the usage.
I’m pretty sure they don’t have to draw the ransom card, it gets added to their hand. That makes it easier to burn, because if they have 10 cards when played, it’s automatically burned.
Stephen Miller is the scum of the earth, and I certainly laughed at his phone number getting out, but the suspension of accounts tweeting the number should not be a surprise. It’s a direct violation of Twitter’s rules. I’m not sure how this is controversial. Screw Stephen Miller forever, but this suspension makes…