“Fall on my stomach. Whatever. Falling isn’t any more dangerous than sticking a wire inside your vagina. That’s kind of my point.”
“Fall on my stomach. Whatever. Falling isn’t any more dangerous than sticking a wire inside your vagina. That’s kind of my point.”
“Here’s what I don’t get: why a woman can’t get an abortion on demand[.]” Here’s what I don’t understand: why can’t a woman make an appointment without unnecessary restrictions and undue burdens in order to get an a legal, simple medical procedure?
“It’s not bizarre. In 2017, the amount of legal options available to her in Tennessee are so limited she had to go the DIY route.” Exactly. The only thing that’s bizarre is, after making abortion a Constitutional right in 1973, *over *four decades ago*, women are put in these situations because of everything you…
“I can empathize with her situation.
“I’m merely stating that resorting to a coat hanger, especially in 2017, seems exceedingly bizarre. Kind of like there is something else that she needs help with.” could be, or it maybe it’s that different people have different thresholds for what kind of stress and desperation they can manage in situations that…
“Nope. Saying “desperation” isn’t helpful.” But if you understand desperation, as you said you did, it should be more than enough to fill in what you *don’t* understand about it in this particular situation. All you’re basically saying is, “Although I understand desperation, I haven’t been in this situation, so it’s…
It doesn’t read as anything less than a diversionary tactic to me. It’s salacious, which tends to work as one. Someone upthread wrote “Our country is vile shit right now,” and I started to cry. I just cannot believe what the leaders of this country have done with it, have chosen to do to the country they swore to…
“So while the calls for more Latin representation is warranted, I warn that at the same time there needs to be a careful review that along with it doesn’t come the exclusion of the darker skinned latino community.” This, a 1,000%. Colorism in the Latino community is as pervasive and damaging as it is in the black…
Is Ava reassuring the audience that they’re not going to be deprived of their favorite human trafficked star? That, never fear, no Constitutional or civil or human rights violations will stand in the way of their favorite internet show? That all of the trauma and life-lasting issues created by the years-long…
Ask him about the revenue stream he’s had for the last few years, that little human trafficking side business he’s made money off of. Piece of shit that he is.
I’m pretty sure that’s what the timing of this non-speculation is about: publicity for that shit fest of an unnecessary remake.
Netflix needs to do a documentary on its years-long involvement, funding and profiting from human trafficking. I won’t hold my breath because they’re doing a big up fucking job of destroying my life without my helping them.
Because that’s exactly what it is. Still, the worst repeat offender, as far as I can tell, is still Jennifer Lawrence.
Apparently neither does he. Why would he, when Being Jeff Buckley is probably proving more lucrative now. Hollywood trash, enough for a landfill.
“Does the sight of someone clicking their heels enrage anyone else, or is it just me?” It doesn’t enrage me, but only because I’m well accustomed to scumbaggery from these folks. The clicking heels is nothing more than exploiting the Wizard of Oz reference on the internet human trafficking phenomena. It’s made untold…
I see the human trafficking business is as strong and successful as ever. There isn’t one decent person in all of the entertainment industry, there are over three years’ proof of that all over the internet and in print, too. But the way around years of proof is to block the person you’re mercilessly human trafficking…
“Healthy citizenship is not a passive sport and we live in a country where most people have succumb to the glamor of entertaining echo chambers.” Very true, and a large part of why the country is in the state that it’s in.
“Grace” never fucked “Will” and with good reason. You’d think the feminists and humanists would care about those reasons. But I guess not. All of that kind of thing flies out the window (oh my god! an insider reference! did you get it?!) when it comes to their *entertainment*.
“The next four years are going to suck balls so a good dose of Jack and Karen will come in handy.”
“I’m all for Megan Mullaoly getting work. I just want it to be in something good.” You care more about it than she does, that I can assure you. How desperate it must be to be a performer, willing to do anything for a job.