
He's a businessman, not an engineer. He got screwed over by TNF, so he's proposing a solution that he thinks would allow TNF and his programs to co-exist without fucking him over so thoroughly. It may or may not be feasible now, but the difference between his idea and the current state of television is pretty

Just relying on the sample of emails here, it's really something to see Leslie Ryan just fucking cower off, after all the pretty promises made to Friedman that were clearly total fucking bullshit.

that guy lives in a war torn country where resources are scarce not to mention he is from a large family - pretty easy to see why he is missing weight

I'm so sorry. ...but not really, because this tale is priceless.

That needs a youtube video showing you how to use it without slicing yourself into ribbons. Or a youtube video showing countless customers slicing themselves into ribbons. Or both.

That IS utterly ridiculous.

Six years ago my then 3 year old son saw the Santa version of the snowman pan in the catalog and asked me to get it. I did because I was 7 months pregnant and felt guilty about this being his last Christmas without a sibling. WORST DECISION. First, the fancy ass decorations in the catalog were done with fruit

By the way, it's worth noting that W-S founder Chuck Williams grew up dirt-poor and fatherless, and was forced to work on a date farm (literally named Sniffs) all through high school. Wikipedia says he also served in World War II as a plane mechanic. He is a legitimately self-made man and a fantastic American


Except his killers were charged & indicted, and at trial they'll go away for decades if not be put to death. Unlike these killer cops who straight up walked, usually without a trial. You ignorant dumbass. Think for 2 seconds.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL! "Convenient" how you have to go all the way back to 1994 to find a case where a black guy was acquitted!

This is probably all explained in the SI piece.

You forget that Vince also talked the guy's brother into doing something so insanely risky that it ended up killing him. If there's any group of people entitled to holding a grudge with Vince McMahon it's the Hart's for screwing Brett and then killing Owen. I love WWE, but seriously fuck Vince McMahon

After reading these comments, I found that most were complimentary, but some of the readers simply could not get past what I did eleven years ago. Being white, college-educated and having a platform from which to express my regret from, I think that I am about as 'forgivable' an ex-con as can be. But they still

This is a beautifully written piece, and I learned a lot about the topic (I'd often read Saartje was a slave).

I don't understand how one feminist critic sucking at what she does could possibly "delegitimize" feminism. That's really fucking stupid.

i agree. the cycle is a real thing.

The middle school I work at really demonstrates this. None of my kids have any drive to continue on after high school and the local high school doesn't require an entrance exam from my school so they don't study at all. They are content to live the working class lives of their parents, no dreams of college or work

I have enjoyed your posts - find them interesting and give you credit for writing candidly about your experiences. I know there are others calling you out for not owing your crimes, in particular the violent element of them, but I am not quite sure how much more one could do - you served the time. Your demonstration