
We sure had a budget too, but since we (medical) were responsible for their medical care even if they crashed and burned, we had to try and prevent that crash and burn.

I worked at a max. security Texas prison and then a federal complex, in the penitentiary. It IS the bureaucracy (particularly in the BOP) that is crazy making. My friends who worked county jails were aghast and agog at what went on, especially at the state prisons. (I was an RN, contracted from a TX state university

In case any of the victims of the crimes I committed to go to prison are reading this, allow me to apologize and assure you that I am not ignorant of the damage I caused. I've been robbed myself; I know it is scary. You could not have known how unwilling I was to hurt anyone and it pains me to think that I even scared

The way he talks about motivation translates to the casual competitive runner like me. I've run a marathon, and maybe a dozen halfs. Average times at best. But even amongst my friends of the same level there is this perception that there is a certain way you're supposed to train. You have to adhere to a certain

While it may also be a good vocabulary tool for an English class, the "Feelings Wheel" was actually developed as a therapy/counseling aid. I believe this one is a variant that does indeed focus on finding the right words for your emotions.

When made to endure jokes about hair removal it's only natural for a beard to get quite uncomfortable.

If her teammates could care less, why won't they?

But is it humiliation? These kids have grown up with sharing their lives online and she already was over sharing. I just think blanketing about this is shallow. I felt the conversation was missing a weighted comment about how difficult it is to navigate digital identities. I have a hard time believing this is on par

The state of Massachusetts conducted a survey on the ages of the male sex partners of unwed "urban" mothers who were 14-16 years of age. On average, these men were 5-10 years older than the young women. These girls were not hanging around with their awkward male peers; in a misguided attempt at status and

I'll have to disagree of not holding kids to a standard of not lying about their age and waiting until an older age before becoming sexually active. She didn't just lie about her age to look cooler she actually convinced an older boy and started dating him (and we don't know the full story of how far that went).

I read the Facebook post. It didn't come across as gloating. It sounded sort of exasperated and frustrated. There were no "LOLs" or "teehee" looked what I did in there. He called her beautiful at the very beginning in an earnest fatherly way to me. My interpretation of it was different. I think these parents see that

Have you ever met people? They are, by and large, the worst.

Trust me when I say that, despite our wishful thinking, no one believes that the angry white man with made up grievances will ever go away. Gamergate is nothing more than a hateful white whine movement, only instead of focusing on the gay Muslim Kenyan Atheist Obummer, you guys are focused on video games. Yours is an

Wayyy too much vitriol. You feel better every time one of these "jackasses" cries? You really don't see how that makes you exactly the same as they are, just on the other side of the fence?

You're implying that in order to mention, or to accuse someone, of an issue related to feminism or MRA, that kotaku has to turn into a website that discusses all issues related to MRA and feminism. That is stupid.

The links were not for you. I can tell you're more than happy wallowing in a putrid circle-jerk of poor

Psst. You didn't ask him a question.

The BEST bits of the show are the interplays between Ron and Andy.

The funniest Spreadsheet People upthread were making me laugh and realize I am probably undereducated in the Power of the Spreadsheet to manage my schedule and life.

Probably. One of the central issues that the networks had with Aereo was that they considered Aereo's service "rebroadcasting," which you're not allowed to do. Individuals are allowed to receive, record, and replay broadcasts for personal use, but they're not allowed to rebroadcast them in any way, especially not for

Would Aero still be in this mess if they eliminated the recording aspect?