
"…since it generally doesn't require a ton of attention."
Ain't that the truth. It feels like a bananas mod, huge but cracks everywhere. I mean you're literally tasked with patching the universe up so maybe Bioware saw it that way too.

There's a proposed 20% cut to the NIH in there, which is biomedical research. That would put research back about 20 years in funding. If you know anyone who might get cancer or Alzheimer's disease, sorry but we're going to have to slow your roll a bit on clinical solutions. Notably Bush increased the NIH budget over

You don't need to play Limbo ahead of Inside, only some extreme mental gymnastics could relate them. That being said Limbo has lost none of its fire and will set you up for Inside nicely.

If everyone is writing the same review why bother reading any of them? The author plainly states his discontent is with soggy ubisoft tropes, I think that reduces his view to an obvious issue which you may or may not share. I finished an AssCreed recently and the idea of clearing more icons sort of makes me queasy

Dead space is nice because you can eventually clear an area. Also it nailed the vibe so great, it was really ahead of its time and its almost kind of embarrassing that no AAA has come close (RE7 now though???) in the decade since release. Serious man-videogame love.

I think the heal burst will make Bastion capable of retreating, which he can't really do right now. But he's still going to be slow, which will make him less annoying then 76, and he can't heal and shoot at the same time (I think?) so he won't have the same run and gun punch. Still it will be nice to have some

I wish the game had actually ended instead of just puffing out. I never got Hakkon, but the overarching things they alluded to in its sales pitch at the epilogue should have been the big trilogy showstopper. I mean, Mr. Ugly got to the black city and he doesn't say a (literally) goddamned thing about it? Do they not

The awards are mostly to give you something to shoot for if you want to replay it. You basically need to know everything about your own moveset and the enemy patterns to get above bronze, and you have to do it fast. I platinumed the game eventually, but my first run was all bronze/stone.

I think time to kill is a factor. Which is why it's always junkrat. I think they should rank the play lower if an ult was used. Also they should have combo POTGs with two characters cooperating. Also I'd like a pony.

Some of the heroes have a bit more carry potential than others. You could be a great Genji but if your team is walking into junkrat grenades it don't help much. Roadhog and on the otherhand have crazy sustain that doesn't depend on other people helping (Reinhard is great but you'll get used to people not going

I've been playing some SMG at home on holidays and its funny looking back at those motion controls. They seemed like the future but it really seems like a dead end now. Whenever have to point at the screen or whatever its a chore. It really only works for shallow exhibition, like Rabids

Oh I never knew there were separate endings. Looking at the guide, you have to do a no kill run AND hit several interactables with no indications of how many are in each level? Oh and if you get a lapdance you're locked out? Literally impossible to stumble into. On top of that, I think the bad ending is better…

It is so much snappier than the snowball fight. Overwatch is not well suited to elimination types

The checks and balances are there, they just got blown through like everything else when the Democrats shit the bed in the election in all three legislative chambers and couldn't get a judge through in a YEAR.

Philosophically spoilers.

Celebrating some hard rooster fighting with Overwatch, which has kept me interested for three months so far. Capture the flag is friggin painful but has some granularity in the level I feel is missing from most of the usual game modes. Usually only a third of the level matters at any one point, but in Capture the Flag

They're definitely not skill based, especially if you know what you're doing. I think both of them took a single evening for me. I think judging a game only on its challenge is a mistake though. Playdead makes a kind of interactive walking simulator. I think it has more in common with the Chinese Room games (Rapture)

You don't like Mario?

Hey I'm okay with a decade of Wings and Plastic Band albums

The first book was good, hard to see a TV show capturing the breathless nihilism of the collapse of civilization though.