
Amputechture is a secret success, impenetrably clangy on first listen but then opening like an onion. Day of the Baphomets is one of the best songs they've ever made, but you have to hear and isolate the keyboard line first in your brain. I like Goliath better though

Everything you mention is good and I've animoo'd a time or too myself, but I think it's much more of an uphill battle than American cartoons. American stuff tends to have a kind of stripped down punky aesthetic which is easy to judge or dismiss quickly. Japanamananation has this really aggressive over-designed quality

To be fair I think she was interested in a cut of that treasure, seemed like she didn't have top loyalty to her dudes lives. I wonder where all these nameless thugs come from that are grist for the Drake mill, like some eastern european country just jammed with huge bald assholes of ambiguous ethnicity

The director already discussed the fact that they are not using that part of the book, so rest assured.

Evo should be good. Why put MvC3 farewell at 7:45 am though??

reddit is getting pretty toxic as a gaming community and SF5 is no exception

The Knives ending in the movie kind of makes it clear that they're not a great pair either, it's a choice to just remain immature a bit longer. Still what a great contrast, the literally vicious reality of an adult woman like Ramona or the cradle robbing "gf as a symbol" of Knives

Guilty gear is the older brother but Blazzyblue is more fun imo.

I got totally lost in the single player of the Blazblue games for awhile with their batshit stories and arch-everything designs. Hoping Dragonball fighterz will capture some of that single player magic too

SF4's arcade mode had some kind of hard on for difficulty, it cranked up difficulty logarithmically and my friends just trying to get a win on easy setting couldn't get through Seth. Whats the point of that?

Thats an interesting point about these games. Everyone can play call of duty together or even 2v2 Halo with someone who is way too good , but to get to my poor bronzish skill level I am already so far above someone picking up the game that it would take solid months of study for them to approach me. It basically

I stopped playing ladder because I always got too sweaty, just soaked armpits before I even would see an opponent. And if you don't see an opponent by 6-7 minutes you just get more nervous (shit are they massing carriers?)

I had a moment like this is a LAN starcaft 1 game. It was like 5 person FFA and I was making 1 of every unit (like you do in the single player…) and had maybe 40 ish supply of random zerglings after about 15-20 minutes? I rolled out and quickly found my nearest opponent, who was probably 3 base maxing and had built

It is amazing how someone can just ice you out in these genres, like they're not even outsmarting you it's just autopilot pattern storms shredding you to nothing.

There's a reason they resist simplifying inputs- the top players (who honestly are the life blood of the game) see input difficulty as part of the skill curve which separates people at the very top of the ladder. It makes for an insular community, but all of the pros would pass on something without enough technical

Good point. A tutorial is almost always an information dump and even ArcSys will teach you roman cancels a few minutes after you did you first fireball, which isn't even helpful to me and I've been playing these damn things forever. I'm just not going to remember what it was when I finally get used to it.

Builders seem fine since their turrets would pop after they hit the kill goal and transformed. Healers seem weaker but might make a weird end meta where both teams become unkillable though haha.

I got that vibe about midway through but ending on "this place is full of the most awful douche bags" doesn't seem especially charitable

Last Hero should be Mercy I think

I got a bugged achievement in DA:I for killing all of the existing dragons. I wasn't even really even entertaining the idea of a complete trophy run and it didn't change the fact that I killed them all, but damned if it didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth when nothing popped.