
I watch various media forms as non-judgementally as possible (ahem), but I still use the phrase anime-bullshit as a catch all for the sort of lame cliches of the genre.

Good luck!

Youtube is your friend

bum rush hotline miami and then get stuck in binding of isaac forever

DA2 makes a the case for a strong designed protagonist rather than the choose your own adventure guys from other DAs and Bethesda stuff. Hawke fits into Dunwall very well

Punish leavers. If you can't maintain a connection, don't screw 4 other people maybe? The loser on this side is always the good people who have to remain in game for five or ten minutes getting destroyed (or 30 in CS:GO).

You seem pretty far up the ladder there. Whats your opinion of Let it Die from on high, worth the grind? Does it transcend it f2p leanings like an angel or are the restrictions demons tearing away your soul?

All your platinums will eventually be lost like tears in the rain so they're only worth getting if its fun ( I also tend to accept 'only mildly tedious' ).

I tried out Abzu for a few hours, its super chill which is pretty much all that needs to be said about it.

The cyber wolf is a skill check to see if you will parry. Most games of this type let you kind of fudge their mechanics pretty far into the game (think using guns to survive in the Devil May Cry games), but in MGSR they just put this asshole right in your way. The only way to beat it is to parry everything it throws

Blazin. I bought one of the older games and played it single player solid for like a month. Arksys gives you a crazy amount of content

The SFV hivemind is constantly bitching, but everytime I go on and run a few fight requests I have a nice easy fun time, in a way I never had with SFIV. I also can "see" the right moves now with the changes to the combat system so matches are less spammy/canned combo-ey and more reactive. Seems like a big improvement.

Yeah it really is TF3

Neon Demon didn't work for me at all but I appreciate the misguided ambition, at least there's some juice. The last ten minutes were alright.

Come on guys you got to settle this beef already

Take solace in the fact that even among the commentoriate here, the amount of people who saw Manchester are several orders of magnitude less than the Marvel stuffs. Pretty heartening it still made it.

This is the first reasonable explanation I've seen in or out of game for why Lucy's arc…ends the way it does. Thanks. The suddenness was explained with like two lines of dialogue months later. It's rare to see a series that wears its production issues so clearly on its sleeve

Interesting milieu goes a lot way! Haven't seen the other, but I think Green Room gets nods for the fact that the mixed elements make prediction hard, which is a good trait for a thriller

I liked Kubo a lot. Lots of cool stuff (the boat was the highpoint I think) and surprisingly effective thematic arcs. The ending was a bit of a wash but it was done creatively enough.

I liked Green Room but I agree that was definitely a case of the hype dog getting loose and mauling the gentle punk expectations it deserved.