
If you don't play 3 you never reach the point where you just decide to ignore the stupid future storyline since they're obviously just piecing it together with unused assets and google searches.

My favorite is tearing into battle to kick some ass or trying to slip off a rooftop just before the firing squad, and then getting stuck on a wooden fence or raised ledge in that squat position while everyone takes potshots at you. Sometimes they join you on the fence and awkwardly fall off, most of the time you try

Why are you taking your dad to go see it and not your asian friend HUH?

One day you'll realize the people around you are making decisions mostly based as emotional reactionaries rather than using any kind of rational cost benefit analysis. And that's how you were born!

The manga is over 2000 pages and goes way past the movie in terms of story, if you're interested in living in that world a bit more. It also happens to be excellent.

The plan worked pretty well it was
1. Kill all the humans
2. ???
3. Profit

You must be confused, everyone knows Supernatural definitively ended at 5 seasons. Those 5 seasons are quite rewatchable too, what a great build up.

I've been playing Strife:Trust No One, a FPS from the nineties that had towns, RPG stats, an inventory, and branching decisions. It is really good, theres tons of small details like the way your fleshy enemies go up in flames or the click click click of those asshole robot spiders. It's in that doom sprite style where

The online people in Blazblue are monsters. How do you even remember a 38 hit combo?

Among us is an especially good distillation. It's hard to guess where it's going which make the faux-choice tree not so bad

I do! I do! What a kick in the nuts that was

Thank you for reading my comment! It's so appropriate that I debut on Keyboard G's in a Shadow of the Colossus thread because I really have a deep true love for that game. I hope in the future we'll keep finding games worth their secrets.

I saw a billboard the other day. It's surreal to see reality bend enough that this thing actually sees a release.

Very light spoileriness

Sadness forever

Just give your old console to your girlfriend and then go through I horrible breakup and they keep it because you don't talk to each other at all ever again. I…heard that works.


I know I could have sold more knives if you had let me look at the glen garry leads.

I loved what I played of Superbrothers but I was rarely in a frame of mind to use headphones on my phone while playing, instead of kicking up to something bigger (like the computer) if I had the gear and free time, and it seemed like too much of a crime to play without sound.

DS2 is more fun but DS1 is like a really tight movie, everything is perfectly in place (except for a particular turret…) and the tone is crazy good. DS2 had some kind of weird stuff, like the entire station gets fucked immediately and the (great) setpieces were sometimes a bit incongruous.