
Without those people you can get ghosttowns very easy though

I'm not jealous of all the boxes you're going to have to kick.

Ascension was the Metal Gear Survive of the GoW universe. They had the engine but no one really cared about making another game, so…

Yeah its amazing these games just lose all their magic on the second go. Well, makes my life easier, don't even have to think about the replay.

Goodnight and good luck

I like how problems crop up in Papers Please because your job is just hard sometime and your bosses are jerks. Like, you barely have time to figure out if you're going to separate a couple or let them through the border, you just have to make a snap decision for better or worse.

Vega was wonky as hell in the old one, he was basically gimmick city. At least now he seems to have a design philosophy instead of poke while charging the 50/50 leap

I love love love SotC but I would argue it doesn't work as a sign of mature storytelling because only a skillful gamer can extract the information. It's still too obtuse, too fiddly, more like Beowulf where its importance has to be divined by the academics. Extremely rewarding but also esoteric.

The gameplay loop on SOTN was heroin. Look no further for how to do meaningful exploration.

I think when you play a lot of games it becomes almost impossible to not see the systems very fast. I think it's telling that a lot of the games that drag people in for hundreds of hours are ones where the systems are obtuse, like CSGO, roguelikes, and no-love-deep-raid MMOs, even though the set dressing is low fi or

Please call your loved ones today because this is 2016 and they're probably going to die soon.

I thought X4 was great. The grim dark story was kind of wierd, but it seemed like all of the pieces were tuned just perfectly. Great looking Bosses with very explicit patterns (I always though the classic MM bosses were a bit too spazzy and demanding on pixel perfection, fun as they were), really compelling secret

it's once upon a time in the west though

I don't see the interaction. Could someone explain it to me? I played both and it seemed like the two games just ignored each other pretty much. SPOILERS - The AIs were successful in 2 but they got borked by a sleeper agent in 4, right? How does that counteract something?

Teaching video game language to inexperienced people can be very frustrating. They don't seem to be willing to accept that there is a layer of control between you and the output. They want to interface with the game world using simplified generative grammar (hence the success of swiping and wii motes).

I forgot that Mechwarrior online was a thing. Don't suppose you could write some more about it? Is it fiddly enough like the old games?

can't believe theres no hype for the world series of fighting games on here right now

Even now where they're practically at the "look-at-us-we're-putting-the-game-on-a-shelf" step, I refuse to be piqued. I'm still 50/50 on whether this is some Kaufman level prank

I knew I shouldn't have stared at my Blue Oyster Cult album cover for so long while thinking about GamerGate, my bad guys.

Yeah Chrono Cross was a game to get lost in