
You can blitz it on easy, it has a good adventure that gets dogpiled by clones of pistol guy and shotgun guy.

Yeah thank god they got rid of all of those damn box puzzles

It hit around 10 million in the first year's push. No idea how it pulled up another 20. Probably a ton a gold farmers trying to milk the real money market when it was still up.

DC++! As easy as piracy is now, it never got any easier than that.

I finally beat a game I remember everyone talking about, Alan Wake. Of course everyone was talking about it six years ago, but hey, being 5 years behind means my computer runs everything smooth as silk. And this was a great looking game, the pacific northwest is a great setting, especially considering the stormy

Nzoth I think is good if you use it as a discreet combo (like bring sylvannis and deathwing back after they god popped). I tried a general deathrattle deck in the beginning and it wasn't working that great (lost a lot of the good rattle minions with Nax).
Deathwing is good but I usually don't have anything in hand when

it was fun. I ran a naturalize/idol card to pick what I wanted and mill them maybe? I played a naturalize/coldwater oracle deck though that milled me definitely. Did you know you could naturalize your own minion and opponent still draws? wow!

The issue with Reno is he fucks up your combos since you build the deck around him. He's good for your "I don't have any ideas I'm just putting all my legendaries in" deck though.

Those poor centaurs…

The first Uncharted was more gameplay than setpiece, which gave it the side effect of being a huge grinder. I think this was sort of came from the ps2 generation, where games were supposed to have tons of gameplay meat. People used to scowl if a game was over in under 20hours (which it now turns out is about the

loved cardhunter but was too cheap to get the expos. alas…

The buffers are actually high health which makes them pretty good in a weeny deck. The 2/3 and 3/4 guys melt early opposition and eat lots of cards and Cthun comes out a few turns after I run out of gas to force the win. But I've had games with that deck where I choose not to play a drawn cthun at 10. Usually when I

Man, Yogg Saron as a win condition? That's rough. I think I read the breakdown was that the spell pool was about 2/3 positive but still that seems pretty dicey. How often is that working out?

Good luck finding dungeon 8 by yourself though sheesh

It's funny how American Gods has pervaded media, like that solution is the best way to reconcile disparate myths. Even Supernatural had a straight up American Gods episode with a bunch of old gods discussing how the judeo's were beefing everything up

Haha, that's a pretty funny description. It worked for me because they were normal fairy tales but they aged out, their world is over and now they have to cram into "our" crappy one. It's grim because it's noir - you don't find grizzled detectives having cheeseburgers at Islands with the buds at the local strip mall

That's one of the only games my non-gamer +1 has enjoyed.

After many tries there was just no way to get to the next wire mesh, I couldn't even tell where the hell I was jumping. I ended up ball jumping on the top of the mesh which created some kind of glitch that launched me to the top. Took a few tries to get the momentum right, but I eventually glitched my way to the

I think it's kind of telling that no one can keep these games straight in this thread

I like the lemongrab episodes but its because I know it's making all of you uncomfortable, which I find funny.