
I am often in the same boat so I can give some advice ( or perhaps just commiserate?). I need laptops for work but I buy a slightly nicer gaming one for home so they can transition out into work in 3 to 5 years. So that means I always get one with a graphics card. I do spend less than you though. Here are my rules of

What is Cait Sith?? I played the game but I have no idea.

Cyclops beams can't melt Colossus steel jet fuel

I'd say it was an effective arc since he seems to care quite a bit about it.

I think you're underestimating how many of us played through this series in split screen. To me, anyway, a couch co-op game has much greater value then it's quality solo equivalent.

I thought the special quests were better than the main game. Great use of set goals to redefine the board and make your inventory valuable.

They seem to last about three years before your character starts running right at all time.

Its not shown, but Bergman's Persona has a very long description of maybe the most erotic sexual encounter I've ever heard and it is quietly devastating and important to the film. It's entire long axis leans at that moment of intimacy and it was frankly shocking (we're talking a black and white two room drama from the

You both seem to agree that the "loving" of Love doesn't add anything, which makes it a failed experiment.

Vertigo seems so straightforward and then it just goes insane. I watched it right after Rear Window and it's like the darkest timeline James Stewart, the contrast is unbelievable.

Agreed, random encounters gave me migraines for decades to come still for some reason. We already have toilets, lets stop shitting in the streets shall we?

To answer your question I stumbled across it and found it frustrating. It literally tells you nothing and after chasing a few beats I felt like I wore it out in minutes. I'm sure it would have been better if it was framed for me.

Yeah that was a bummer. The game doesn't tip you off that you she's vulnerable until she's dead.

It probably makes more sense not to play the two water-schocks back to back

Is Peace Walker a necessary piece of the canon? Missed it

Sometimes you don't know! I think I like Race the Sun but then I run into a wall and the rage simmers

Sonic Saturn. The first images of the doomed Sonic X and Saturn Saturn projects were system sellers, filled with the promise of 3D. Welp, at least I got to play Panzer Dragoon. How different things would have been though, if Sega hadn't shot themselves in the foot by not getting a legitimate showing from their mascot

I get it! You're making this joke directly to me!

It doesn't help that they toured with Malkmus and the Jicks

Stick to the d-pad. It's more precise and you'll have fewer "but I was blocking" moments. Take breaks too, the stress of these games makes people clench a little too hard and it can hurt your fingers.