
I agree with that, but dispute that you can price based on value of the experience in its place. But since price has become more flexible in recent years maybe that's where we're headed?

Beat Torchlight, the mini ARPG. Everything is so streamlined it's hilarious. You start the game like six feet from the dungeon and the first questgiver is like, "get in there!" and off you go. I went pet-wizard which was good for maximum laziness but bad for getting a feel for the combat. The abilities looked cool

I just plowed through Torchlight too. It was over right at the exact second I started getting sick of it, which was a pretty impressive accomplishment.

There's another way to get wrath of god…

crouching is hard man! legs get tired! Realism!

Rock Paper Shotgun is running a piece right now on replaying Deus Ex and comparing it to 20 year old memories.

You can find Street Fighter 2 in a flash browser somewhere if you want to try out the genre. 2-d fighting games pretty much have the same core mechanics from that era despite many many improvements.

Since any slowdown is killer in these games why take the chance on a funky ATI driver or chrome eating too much memory making the game goddamn unplayable?

The skill curve online in fighting games is insane. Only the guys that can tap out 12 hit juggles regularly stick around after a month. Even with a ranked mode, you still get tooled on in the lower levels by someone smurfing a new character. I wish more fighting games had an MMR ala Blizzards output.

If you've ever done a crossword you should be familiar with this. Often the worse thing you can do is stare at a clue. As soon as you take your mind off of myopia your subconscious can make the connection.

Counterpoint you don't pay $60 for Dante and $3 for Dan Brown, they're both around $15 new. Same with movies. Before you consume it you don't know what it's personal value is anyway, you can only guess. Doesn't seem like efficient commerce.

What did I just read and why? The only complaint was there wasn't enough complaining, and that was just 2 lines. What a crappy game review reivew and waste of time.

The graphics are hitched up quite a bit on the ps4 version I'm sure.

Yeah but Yuna puts on Yani during sex and buys every Nicholas Sparks movie. At least Lulu has cool stories about Billy Corgan

FFX always looked like some weird FF parody. Lulu is taking the belt buckle challenge, the Blitzballers are extremely odd as noted in the article, and the spunky girl is from techno spring break. The cast photo looks like a shot from a cosplay convention featuring characters from several different shows.

Is it wrong that I just want to be in there with him at least?

Why was it running away from you if it had nothing to hide, huh?

Some of the lizard battles are harder than the colossi battles. Damn skittish assholes.

Time attack just gives you something to do after you've beaten it a few times.

If you were crushed by the colossus and gave up, you got the good ending. Dormin remains dormant and that witch in Ico never gets a power source. Congratulations!